It was snowing most of the day yesterday, although there was not much accumulation. It really does feel good to have heat in the house again. We had let the stove go out over the warm-up.
I have been busy sewing this week, and that is my plan for today. The wedding where daughter Loretta and her special friend Dustin are table waiters is Friday already. Daughter Lovina and her special friend Daniel will also go for the evening meal, as will son Joseph and his special friend Grace. Grace is a sister to Dustin and Daniel.
Last night, daughter Verena came here with grandchildren Jennifer, T.J., and Allison. Daughters Susan, Elizabeth, and son-in-law Tim went to get some more stuff for Susan’s house. They are finishing the second bathroom. Susan took Ryan along. Abigail cried because she didn’t want her parents to leave, so they took her along, too. Ever since son-in-law Mose’s accident, she gets scared when both her parents leave. She used to never mind staying here while they shop. Poor little children can’t understand everything, but then even we adults don’t understand it all.
As I write this, my husband Joe is still waiting on his ride to work. He’s later than usual. Sons Benjamin and Joseph left already. Daughter Lovina is at sister Verena’s house, so she should be on her way to work.
Joe has the gardens tilled up and wants to get some garden planted once we are through this cold spell.
Rhubarb and asparagus are coming up nicely. My spring flowers are also out. Hopefully the cold doesn’t bother any of it.

On Saturday, daughters Verena and Lovina went with me to the book signing in Shipshewana, Indiana, at the Plain and Simple Craft Fair. My good friend Ruth took us, which was very much appreciated. We met a lot of readers there. Thanks to all who came, and we received so much encouragement. May God bless you for your kindness. Plain and Simple is an Amish craft and décor magazine, and they hosted the craft fair. There were over 80 vendors there, so it was quite interesting.
As I pull the curtains back this morning, a beautiful scene greets me. Although it might not be perfect timing for us—it’s God’s creation. Every tree is white, and the grass is covered with snow. The sun is out, and the snow is already dripping from the house roof. I don’t think it will stay long, but we won’t care, as we were loving the spring weather and warm days. Another time we let God be in control.
This is now a little later and I just talked on the phone with sister Verena. She called to let me know the sad news. Cousin Amos’s wife Rosemarie from Wisconsin had a heart attack and died this morning. Rosemarie is a sister to my sister-in-law Sarah Irene (brother Albert’s wife). Rosemarie is 63 and also a mother-in-law to nephew Ben and niece Elizabeth (sister Leah’s children). A lot of grieving hearts within their family. Our heartfelt sympathy to all! May God be their guide as they face life without wife, mother, grandmother in the future. How much we know of the heartache that lies ahead for them. God makes no mistakes!
This week I will share the rhubarb juice recipe, since quite a few readers requested it again. It is also in my cookbook The Essential Amish Cookbook. Thank you to all the readers who have bought that book and the newest book, Amish Family Recipes. It has helped us so much.
God bless!

Rhubarb Juice
8 pounds rhubarb, washed and diced
8 quarts water
2 (12-ounce) cans frozen orange juice
2 (46-ounce) cans pineapple juice
4 cups sugar
2 (3-ounce) packages strawberry gelatin
Combine rhubarb and water and cook 25-30 minutes or until rhubarb is soft. Strain liquid into a bowl, discarding rhubarb. Add the orange and pineapple juices, sugar, and gelatin. Stir until the sugar is dissolved. Serve the juice as is, add club soda or ginger ale, or mix with additional pineapple juice.
The juice may be frozen or canned. To can the juice, heat to 190 degrees. Ladle into hot quart jars, leaving 1/4-inch headspace. Wipe jar rims with a dampened paper towel and adjust lids. Process in a boiling-water canner for 20 minutes. Makes 8–10 quarts.
Lovina’s Amish Kitchen is written by Lovina Eicher, Old Order Amish writer, cook, wife, and mother of eight. Her cookbooks, The Essential Amish Cookbook and Amish Family Recipes, are available wherever books are sold. Readers can write to Eicher at PO Box 1689, South Holland, IL 60473 (please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for a reply); or email [email protected] and your message will be passed on to her to read. She does not personally respond to emails.
I really appreciate your writings. It’s almost as if I have one of my sisters talking to me. I Just wanted to say… Thank You!
So sorry I missed you in Shipshewana! I would have come had I known you all were going to be there. I am from lower Michigan too, so it’s not too far away. Thanks for writing, I always enjoy reading it. ~Diane W.
It was so nice meeting you yesterday, along with Verena and Susan, and your beautiful grandchildren.
For years I’ve read your article in the South Bend Tribune In. I too know the heartache of losing my husband of 53 years ,year ago. We would go to Az for the winter and when he knew cancer was going to win he bought me a home there. Well I’ve always missed your stories so went online and found you, so happy I’m now reading them along with recipes each week. God is good and with his help we will get thru these times in life. Peace, Bea O’Dell
Thank you for your column. I’ve been enjoying this column since you mother wrote it. I feel as if I’ve known the family forever, just by the readings. In my area we have recently had some Amish families who’ve moved near by. I want to make them feel welcomed. What would you or other readers suggest on how to be neighborly or approach properly?
Thank you so much.
The Amish are normal every day people just like you and I. They don’t require much, other than a simple smile and a wave or hello.
Dear Lovina,
I know all of your readers are very sorry to hear of the passing of your cousin’s wife Rosemarie, as well as your sister Susan, Mose, and his driver. Many of us will continue to lift up you and your family in our prayers. May our good God continue to strengthen and pour His wonderful compassion and peace over you all.