It is Monday morning and the temperature is 19 degrees Fahrenheit. The windchill is at 7 degrees, so it feels cold when the door opens. We sure have had our share of cold temperatures. Son-in-law Tim is hoping the lakes will freeze hard so he can take his children Abigail, 8, and Timothy (T.J.), 6, … Continue Reading ››
Lovina’s daily diary for a January Friday
Diary for January 10, 2025
4:40 a.m. Our alarm rings, telling us it’s time to start a new day. Joe only works until 12:30 today, so I don’t have to pack more than some snacks for him and fill his water jug. I make him breakfast, which is the usual … Continue Reading ››
The new year brings a new grandchild and a letter from sister Emma
A brand-new year is here, 2025! May it bring much joy and happiness to you with God’s many blessings.
We are excited to welcome the new year with … Continue Reading ››
Rounding out the year with family time
This will be my final column for 2024. I wish each of you a blessed holiday and much love and prayers to all for a wonderful 2025. May God bless you richly and may those with health problems be healed if it’s God’s will. May you put your trust in God to help … Continue Reading ››
A busy week for the Eichers heading into Christmas
On Sunday, we attended church at niece Verena and Melvin’s house. Verena is Joe’s oldest sister MaryAnn and Jake’s daughter. Melvin and Verena have two sons and Lord willing are moving to Goshen, Indiana. We wish them God’s many blessings as they make this move. May they enjoy their new home. Home is … Continue Reading ››
Time for Christmas baking with the Eichers
This week I’ll share recipes I like making around Christmastime. Daughter Elizabeth brought a batch of this dough on Wednesday. It is a delicious cutout cookie that works really great. The children loved rolling out the dough and decorating the cookies. On some of the cookies they overdid the sprinkles. Haha! They all … Continue Reading ››
Celebrating Verena’s Birthday and Remembering Mose and Dan
December 10—Happy 27th birthday to the third oldest of our children Verena! May you have many more happy, healthy years ahead.
I also want to add that daughter Verena’s special friend Daniel Ray has brought much joy to her life. He is so helpful and good to her. He is … Continue Reading ››
A Visit to the Great Smoky Mountains
We have entered the final month of 2024. We have just enough snow on the ground to be able to say “We have snow!” The roads are probably icy though. With the temperatures staying in the 20s, I think we can say winter weather is here to stay.
Daughter Susan … Continue Reading ››
Giving thanks for God’s blessings—including fresh ponhoss and sausage
It is already mid-forenoon and I feel like I’m running behind. I have so much to do before Joe and I leave tomorrow.
Joe’s workplace is taking their employees and their spouses and children under age 16 to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, over Thanksgiving Day. Two Crossroad buses will take all of … Continue Reading ››
Preparing for butchering season and other late fall activities
Dustin and daughter Loretta are bringing their sons Denzel, 2, and Byron, 1, here around eight this morning before they head to town for an appointment at the dentist. I thought I should probably get this column done before they come. Daughter Verena is home today, and she is a great babysitter.