Category Archives: Uncategorized

Lovina shares about growing church districts, and family members meet new baby Kylie

It is Monday morning and the temperature is 19 degrees Fahrenheit. The windchill is at 7 degrees, so it feels cold when the door opens. We sure have had our share of cold temperatures. Son-in-law Tim is hoping the lakes will freeze hard so he can take his children Abigail, 8, and Timothy (T.J.), 6, … Continue Reading ››

Giving thanks for God’s blessings—including fresh ponhoss and sausage

It is already mid-forenoon and I feel like I’m running behind. I have so much to do before Joe and I leave tomorrow.

Joe’s workplace is taking their employees and their spouses and children under age 16 to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, over Thanksgiving Day. Two Crossroad buses will take all of … Continue Reading ››