It is Monday morning and the temperature is 19 degrees Fahrenheit. The windchill is at 7 degrees, so it feels cold when the door opens. We sure have had our share of cold temperatures. Son-in-law Tim is hoping the lakes will freeze hard so he can take his children Abigail, 8, and Timothy (T.J.), 6, … Continue Reading ››
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Giving thanks for God’s blessings—including fresh ponhoss and sausage
It is already mid-forenoon and I feel like I’m running behind. I have so much to do before Joe and I leave tomorrow.
Joe’s workplace is taking their employees and their spouses and children under age 16 to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, over Thanksgiving Day. Two Crossroad buses will take all of … Continue Reading ››
Preparing for butchering season and other late fall activities
Dustin and daughter Loretta are bringing their sons Denzel, 2, and Byron, 1, here around eight this morning before they head to town for an appointment at the dentist. I thought I should probably get this column done before they come. Daughter Verena is home today, and she is a great babysitter.
Lovina Recalls Earlier Days—and Chores—Before the Family Moved to Michigan
It is Tuesday morning, and the sun is trying to peep through. Hopefully we will see the sun today. We have had a few days of not much sun, so our battery pack hooked up to our solar panels is draining fast. During the night the water quit working, as the pump couldn’t … Continue Reading ››
Lovina Attends Local Christmas Bazaar and the Family Readies for Winter
The last few days have been rainy. The many, many leaves that have not been picked up are now matted to the wet grass. It will be more of a challenge to use the leaf blower now.
Joe started the coal stove on Saturday. I think it happens every year … Continue Reading ››
Lovina Asks for Help Naming Midnight’s Colt
This week will put October 2024 into history. It doesn’t seem possible that we have only two months left of 2024.
Around here, we have leaves everywhere. We need to get the leaf blower going and gather up the many leaves. Last week, when my daughters were home for the … Continue Reading ››
A Bridal Shower for Daughter Lovina
Last week, daughter Verena hosted a Tupperware bridal shower here for daughter Lovina. We had a great turnout with well over 20 ladies. It was quite interesting, and we served everyone lunch after the party. Verena and I made the casseroles, but the rest was brought in by my sisters, nieces, and daughters. … Continue Reading ››
Finding Time to Write amid a Busy Schedule
It is Monday evening, around 9:45 p.m. Everyone has settled down for the night. It would be so good to go to bed as well, but I need to write this column. Tomorrow will be a full day, and I do not see how time will allow me to get this in the … Continue Reading ››
Lovina Spends Time Bonding with Her Grandchildren
First of all, Happy 30th Birthday to son-in-law Dustin! His birthday is today, October 8. Wishing him many more happy, healthy years!
Dustin and Loretta live across the road from us, and he has been a great help to us when we needed something done around here. It is also … Continue Reading ››
Lovina Recommends a Delicious Twist on a Familiar Recipe
Happy third anniversary to daughter Loretta and Dustin on October 1! I wish them many more happy, healthy years together.
It is still so hard for me to believe that five out of our eight children are married and have homes of their own. In the back of my mind, … Continue Reading ››