Category Archives: Desserts

Daughter Susan Shares about a Month Full of Plans with Family

I'm Lovina's daughter Susan. I wanted to help Mom out and write an article for her. I'm not sure how Mom does it, knowing what to write every week. I have a hard time just doing one article. This Monday morning, the children are all in school except Ervin Jay. He's sleeping in the swing right now. He loves the … Continue Reading ››

Lovina Remembers Her Parents on Their Anniversary

It’s October 17, and although my parents have both been gone for over 20 years, I still think of their anniversary date. They were married October 17, 1957. Rest in peace, dear parents. You are still so greatly missed. Tomorrow (October 18) is son-in-law Tim’s birthday. He will be 35. Happy birthday, Tim! We wish you … Continue Reading ››

Eicher Family Celebrates More Birthdays and Weddings

Son Joseph’s 21st birthday was yesterday. Joseph and his special friend Grace, daughter Verena, and son Benjamin went out to eat in honor of his birthday. We couldn’t have a birthday supper here as I ended up at the ER with son Kevin, 17. Kevin fell when getting up from his mobility scooter and fell face-first … Continue Reading ››