All posts by Lovinas Amish Kitchen

A foggy morning and Thanksgiving pumpkin roll

The sun is trying to peep through the fog. It is very foggy this morning and visibility isn’t very good. The fog light on top of the bus was bright, though, when Kevin left for school. I always pray that everyone will be safe as they leave for work and school on foggy mornings like … Continue Reading ››

Outrageous Chocolate Chip Cookies on a winter day

Diary of November 20, 2019
Lovina’s family enjoys the heat from their coal stove on these fall days with cooler temperatures. Photo: provided
3:00 a.m. Alarm rings! I pack my husband Joe and son Benjamin’s lunches for work. Joe goes to the basement to add … Continue Reading ››

Winter Weather and Chocolate Pecan Caramels

The leaves are not all off our trees yet. We didn’t get around to raking up the ones on the ground, either. “Old Man Winter” arrived before we were prepared. In the last few days it snowed and snowed. I would guess that we received about … Continue Reading ››

First snow, Sunday rest, and a family celebration

The ground had a thin layer of snow this morning. Our leaves are still not raked up. Maybe snow will cover them. Out of sight—out of mind. I’m just not ready for snow but we will take whatever the good Lord sends our way. Snowflakes are lightly falling as I write this. Daughter Verena, 21, is … Continue Reading ››

Family members of all ages gather for fall cleanup and share a good meal

The leaves have changed color at Lovina’s home as October ends. Read more about the family’s fall cleanup in today’s column. Photo Credit: D. Lucas Landis / ©MennoMedia
 The last day of October has arrived already. To some today is Halloween, but we don’t … Continue Reading ››

Lovina heals from surgery and enjoys time with grandchildren

I am still taking life at a much slower pace this week. Last week daughter Elizabeth took my place writing this column, which I appreciated. I had hernia surgery, and the doctor added mesh, so I hope for good results. Earlier this year, in February, I had a hernia that was also repaired with mesh. The … Continue Reading ››

Lovina’s daughter, Elizabeth, shares pumpkin treats as temperatures drop

Hello to all my Mother’s readers! This is Elizabeth, Lovina’s firstborn. Once again, I’m taking the pen in my own hand and writing this for Mom. She is having surgery on Wednesday—again. This is her second surgery this year. The first one was in February. Both surgeries have been to fix hernias. Another larger hernia … Continue Reading ››

Wedding and birthday celebrations, and a visit to the Ark Encounter

We are having nice weather, but temperatures are in the 40s and 50s in the morning, which makes the house feel chilly. We haven’t bought any coal yet, so hopefully we can soon to get some heat in the house if this chilly weather continues. Last night we were at Mose and daughter Susan’s house. My … Continue Reading ››

Wedding travel preparations both planned and unexpected

It’s 4:45 a.m. as I sit by the kitchen table writing. The boys already left for work. Their bags are packed and ready for our departure to Kentucky at 1:30 p.m. They will work a half day, come home, shower, and be ready to go. Our plans had to be adjusted somewhat because we were at … Continue Reading ››

Sewing, doctor’s appointments, and sweet and sour cabbage

Greetings from Michigan! Son Kevin just left for school. The sky is starting to lighten up. Thermometer is at the 59-degree mark. Son Joseph left for work at 4:30 a.m. My husband Joe is fishing with a few other men from our church. I think fishing is one of his biggest stress relievers. It will be … Continue Reading ››