All posts by Lovinas Amish Kitchen

Lovina’s prayers of blessing for her daughter on the eve of the wedding

It is a hot and humid Sunday afternoon. My husband, Joe, and I and our four youngest children are the only ones home this afternoon. Everyone is taking naps. It would be nice to take one too, but I need to get another column written before next week. Church services were held at our neighbors Joas … Continue Reading ››

Lovina’s diary, one week and two days before wedding!

P1060407For this week I’m going to write a daily diary for August 5. 3:15 a.m. Time to get up and pack my husband Joe’s lunch. For his lunch he wants bread slices, sliced tomatoes fresh from the garden, and mayonnaise. I also put frozen peaches, some cheese … Continue Reading ››

Noodle making, cleaning and fixing up fill the weeks before the wedding

This is already Thursday and it’s time I get this column written. Today, July 30, is nephew Steven’s eighth birthday so happy birthday wishes go to him! It seems like the days are flying by. Tomorrow in two weeks is the wedding for Timothy and daughter Elizabeth. I ordered 350 pounds of chicken this morning … Continue Reading ››

A whirlwind of cleaning and more precedes a home Amish wedding

Twenty-three days left until the wedding of Timothy and Elizabeth. We have a lot of work left to do before then but we have accomplished a lot already. Saturday was a full day. At 7:00 a.m. we had some cement delivered to pour sidewalks around the house and in front of the new pole barn. My … Continue Reading ››

Eichers celebrate wedding anniversary; countdown begins for daughter’s wedding

BensBirthdayCake2015WhippedToppingEditedToday, July 14, is son Benjamin’s 16th birthday. We want to bake him a cake, but I forgot to ask him what kind he wants before he left for work at 5:30 a.m. With eight children it’s hard to remember which is everyone’s favorite. Tomorrow, July 15, … Continue Reading ››

Empty space when a child leaves home—even just for a vacation!

Lovina and Kevin are raising this kitten. It's mother was killed on the road. It's really doing well !
Oh my! I am running late getting this column out this week. It seems like one week after another goes by bringing us closer to … Continue Reading ››

Recycling lumber, worries over illness, and more weddings in the works

There is a lot of activity going on around here this week. Our neighbors Abe and Fredia are taking our old pole barn down to save the lumber that is still good enough to reuse. Abe, his sons, my husband Joe, and our boys have been busy taking it all apart. Last night they finished … Continue Reading ››

Pondering on the porch in the cool of a summer evening

We are officially in the summer months now. We have had a few cool nights, with the temperature in the 50s by morning. Sure makes for good sleeping after some hot evenings with temperature in the 80s. Actually, this morning we had to close most of our windows. The thermometer showed 54 degrees. Not really … Continue Reading ››

Published! What that means for the Eicher Amish home

We are already more than halfway through June 2015. The year is going way too fast! On Saturday my husband, Joe, had to work at the RV factory. They are very busy, which makes it hard for him to get caught up with work here at home. The rest of us helped Timothy move his belongings to … Continue Reading ››