Celebrating Verena’s Birthday and Remembering Mose and Dan

December 10—Happy 27th birthday to the third oldest of our children Verena! May you have many more happy, healthy years ahead.

I also want to add that daughter Verena’s special friend Daniel Ray has brought much joy to her life. He is so helpful and good to her. He is taking Verena deer hunting this year. It’s her first time, but she did great with bow practice, and when she practiced with the gun, she closed her eyes before the bang. We laughed and told her she would still hear the bang with her eyes closed. Daniel Ray gave her ear plugs to wear. Although they didn’t see any deer when Verena was along, Daniel Ray shot a nice eight-point buck while he was hunting alone. He was in the woods just 15 minutes before he shot this buck. He is giving us the meat which we are glad for since Joe doesn’t hunt deer anymore. It will be nice to have more meat in the freezer.

I am so thankful I have Verena here at home again. Four years ago, I was glad she was so willing to make the change and move in with daughter Susan and her two young children after son-in-law Mose’s tragic accident. Although I missed her here at home, I knew Susan needed her more. Verena was there through all of Susan’s pain and often sat and listened to this mourning widow. Verena is so good with children and can entertain them so much better than I can. She doesn’t let her handicap stand in the way.

There is sunshine after the rain, though, and although Susan still misses her first love dearly, she is married to Ervin now and is a busy mother of six. She will be 29 in January. Yesterday, Verena and I had Ryan, 5, Curtis, 5, and Ervin Jr., 1, here with us while Ervin and Susan went to an appointment. The other three children Kaitlyn, 8, Jennifer, 6, and Isaiah, 6, came here off the bus from school.

Verena and I had mopped the floors and washed dishes before the little boys came. After the school-age children got here at around 3 p.m., Verena gave them all a snack then played games with them while I finished hanging up the laundry on the lines in the basement.

Jennifer still has a bond with Verena and is always telling Verena she loves her. She hugs her and tells her, “I miss you.” It’s precious that she remembers how Verena was there for her when she lost her daddy.

All of the children are so precious to me too, and although Kaitlyn, Isaiah, and Curtis came into our family two years ago, I have really bonded with them. They are so easy to love. From a stranger’s point of view, it would be hard to tell which children are Ervin’s and which are Susan’s. They have blended so well.

Then there is Ervin Jr., who is the apple of all the children’s eye. They keep him entertained and teach him all kinds of new things. When he does something for the first time, they all cheer. Ervin Jr. will smile. His grin looks so cute. I think he looks like Isaiah the most.

I made supper, which was One Kettle Soup (our name for it) and smoked sausage, cheese, and crackers. Ice cream and cookies were our dessert. Ervin and Susan and children ate before leaving for home. They told the children to pick up all the toys on the floor. Verena made it fun by playing red light, green light with the toys somehow. Haha! I will share the recipe for One Kettle Soup.

The children are excited to see their stockings hanging on the wall (we don’t have a fireplace). I told them they have to be good for Daddy and Mom or their stocking will be empty for Christmas. It’s fun to see their serious faces and how they claim they will be good. The innocence of the dear little children. May God always protect them from all the cruelty in this world. The sweet little hugs and kisses before they leave are so sweet.

Our minds often turn to what happened this week four years ago—as if it was only yesterday—when the accident happened with Mose and Dan. Dan was killed instantly, and Mose lived five days after that. Dan’s wife Jodi took Ervin and Susan to the appointment. A day like that brings back many sad memories for her. Rest in peace, Dan and Mose. You will forever be remembered by your loved ones.

God bless!

One Kettle Soup
1 pint canned beef chunks
4 medium potatoes, peeled and diced
1 small onion (leave whole)
3 quarts water
8 ounces spaghetti pasta
salt and black pepper to taste

Combine beef, potatoes, and onion in a 6-quart kettle with 3 quarts of water. When potatoes are halfway cooked, add spaghetti and cook until spaghetti is done. Season to taste. If soup looks too dry, add more water.

Noodles can be used instead of spaghetti. If you prefer more meat, you can add a quart of beef chunks instead of a pint.

Lovina’s Amish Kitchen is written by Lovina Eicher, Old Order Amish writer, cook, wife, and mother of eight. Her three cookbooks, The Cherished Table, The Essential Amish Cookbook, and Amish Family Recipes, are available wherever books are sold. Readers can write to Eicher at Lovina’s Amish Kitchen, PO Box 234, Sturgis, MI 49091 (please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for a reply); or email  [email protected] and your message will be passed on to her to read. She does not personally respond to emails.

3 thoughts on “Celebrating Verena’s Birthday and Remembering Mose and Dan”

  1. Pint of beef or quart of beef I do not know how to can beef I’m sorry so a pint is 16 ox a pound? I guess my grandmother made beef tea when we’re sick do you have a recipe for beef tea? Please n thank you

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