This column was written the week before Christmas.
Hello Readers,
I am Lovina’s daughter Verena. Mom has been telling us girls we should take a turn writing.
It has been over ten months now that I have moved in with sister Susan. When I first moved in, my niece Jennifer (almost 4) had a hard time understanding why I’m staying with them and her daddy wasn’t coming back. She didn’t like the idea at first but has grown to love having me here.
Jennifer and Ryan (age 2) are playing “doll” right now. Jennifer is the mom, and Ryan is the dad. Ryan left the “baby” sit on the couch alone, and Jennifer is lecturing him because no baby should be left alone on the couch. Ha! It is just so fun to see them play.
Friday, December 10th I turned 24. Susan, Jennifer, Ryan, and I went to Dad and Mom’s for supper. Some of the youth from our community came Christmas caroling for us. It was a very nice thought, and we enjoyed it.
I heard the horrible news about the tornados that went through Kentucky and the other states killing so many people. My heart broke for all the families who lost a loved one. So many families grieving. So many lives changed in an instant. So many homes demolished. God is above all, and He makes no mistakes. I’ll continue to pray for the families who are struggling.
Yesterday morning, church services were held not too far from Susan’s house. We were going to take her horse and buggy but Jodi (widow friend whose husband was killed in the same accident Mose was involved in) was able to take us. It made it easier to not have to worry about the horse when we got to church, especially since there is no man with us.
After church Susan, Jennifer, Ryan, and I took a nap. In the evening we made supper for Dad, Mom, Tim, Elizabeth, and their three children, sister Lovina, and her boyfriend Daniel. It was very enjoyable! Dad, Tim, and Daniel grilled chicken. I always love when Dad grills chicken. He makes it very tasty and juicy.
December 14th was a year that Mose has passed on. It is scary how quickly someone can become just a memory. Please remember to tell your friends and family that you love them because today could be your last day on this earth or it could be their last day. Life is too short to take it for granted.
A special memory of Mose I have is from when before Susan and Mose were married. He took Susan and me blue gill fishing a lot. We didn’t want to touch the worms so Mose came to our rescue and hooked our worms. Pretty soon I had a fish, and Mose took care of it. Then Susan had a fish, and Mose took care of it. Susan and I were reeling the fish in one after another, and Mose was taking our fish and rebaiting our hooks. Mose seemed to enjoy it more watching us get excited then if he was fishing himself.

December 18th plans are to go to Dad and Mom’s for our family Christmas. I love when the family gets together. More memories are made and there is never a dull moment.
Jennifer’s puppy Rose is four months now. She is a Blue Merle Pomeranian and very beautiful. Rose loves to pull at Ryan’s pant legs. She must think it’s a toy. My pomsky dogs, Lincoln and Kimmy, are very kind to Rose. I love dogs!
Susan and I washed laundry earlier today. It was too cold outside so Susan hung it on clothes racks inside the house. We don’t have enough room to hang it all at once so when some gets dry, we hang up more.
Ryan came up to me and gave me a hug and said, “I love you.” That warms my heart. Children are so precious. Ryan has a hat on and is stomping around. He doesn’t look tired at all, to think it’s his bedtime!
May God be with you all!
Yoder’s Restaurant Cookies
3 cups sugar
4 eggs
2 cups butter
2 cups sour cream
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 1/2 tablespoons vanilla
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 tablespoons baking powder
8 cups flour
2 cups powdered sugar
2 tablespoons butter, softened
a little water
Beat eggs, then add sugar. Melt butter, then add to sugar mixture. Add sour cream, mayonnaise, vanilla, salt, baking soda, and baking powder; mix well. Add flour, one or two cups at a time. Form the dough into balls and flatten slightly. Bake at 350 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes. For frosting, mix powdered sugar and butter with enough water to reach desired consistency.
Lovina’s Amish Kitchen is written by Lovina Eicher, Old Order Amish writer, cook, wife, and mother of eight. Her newest cookbook, Amish Family Recipes, is available wherever books are sold. Readers can write to Eicher at PO Box 1689, South Holland, IL 60473 (please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for a reply); or email [email protected] and your message will be passed on to her to read. She does not personally respond to emails.
Great job writing Verena, keep up the good work!
Thank you for the nice column. Will try the cookie recipe, sounds so good.
That little Jennifer sounds like a real character! By the way, I love dogs, too. I got a puppy calendar for Christmas. That cookie recipe sounds good.
You are undoubtedly a great help and solace for your sister. Blessings. I am wondering where the Yoder Restaurant is–Shipshewana, or elsewhere? This recipe looks good!
Verena I really enjoyed your column. I read your mom’s column every week. Keep up the good work. A Blessed ew Year to you and your family.
Hi Verena,
Please promise us you will write another column ! I so enjoyed reading yours. Getting a glimpse of your life is so inspiring to me as I try to simplify my own life. Thank you for sharing a little of your life with us.
I have 3 sisters and I know how special they are to me so I know that your bond with Susan must be so important in your life. I bet you are very good for each other. Blessings that your relationship only gets better.
Have a Blessed day.
Your column is published in our local paper I enjoy reading it thank you.
I’ve loved reading The Amish Cook for years, and was so disappointed when our newspaper, The Star Press in Muncie, Indiana stopped publishing it recently. I understand that your mother’s column is now called Lovina’s Amish Kitchen! I had to do a lot of digging to find some of the columns that I’ve missed such as yours, Lovina! By the way, you did a very good job! I’m finding some of the columns I’ve missed the past few weeks, but they’re not in chronological order. How can I read them weekly again in our Muncie Star Press paper? They are greatly missed by my sister and me, and I’m sure many others. Thank you very much.
What happened to this column? Have not seen it in our newspaper for a while.
Hello Bruce!
It’s possible that your paper has stopped publishing the column, but it will continue to be posted online here and in other newspapers.