Hosting church spurs Eichers to finally add trim and wainscoting

Hosting church spurs Eichers to finally add trim and wainscoting

Another busy week! Yesterday was a long day. Sister Emma and sons Jacob, 18, and Steven, 11, daughter Elizabeth with Abigail, and daughter Susan with Jennifer assisted us with our work.

Steven had his eleventh birthday on Monday, July 30. Son Kevin and Steven always enjoy spending time together. They both have muscular dystrophy, so they are limited with what they can do. Other children at that age don’t always want to take the time to play with someone that is slower at walking. It’s the age when others are active and want to run and play sports. So most of the time these two boys keep each other entertained at school, church, etc. Until I had handicapped children I never thought so much about it but once you are at this end of it you really appreciate the people that are considerate of your children. It is hard for boys this age to sit back and watch the other boys running and playing games that they can’t participate in. God helps us through our trials.

Yesterday our back entrance was cleaned from top to bottom. Some kitchen cabinets were also cleaned out. I sure was glad for what all was done. Everyone who came to help had a breakfast of biscuits, sausage gravy, fried eggs, cheese, chocolate chip cookies, watermelon, coffee, milk, and juice. For lunch we had vegetable soup and hot dog sandwiches.

In the evening my husband Joe, sons Joseph and Kevin and I went to Menards (a large lumber and supply store) to pick up our order of trim and wainscoting. Yes, we are finally getting our trim on. One year after another slips by since we moved in our new house. It seemed we could always use the money somewhere else and that is still the case but Joe said we need to get it done. It will look a lot better I’m sure. We have the family coming to help us with it on Saturday. Then we have one more week after that to be ready to host church services.

Daughter Verena, 20, is disappointed to be out of a job again. Nephew Emanul shut down his woodworking shop where she was a secretary. She had found some work suitable for her and it was working so good for her. Again we will trust God to lead the way. I sure am glad for her help with the cleaning but I understand that helping her mother doesn’t pay.

Last Friday my sisters Verena and Susan spent the day here helping. They cleaned a lot of windows. They used white vinegar in water to wash them and use cheese cloth towel to dry them. It made the windows nice and sparkling. Joe made grilled hamburgers and French fries for our supper before they left for home. I sure appreciate everyone’s help.

We were invited to a fish fry at neighbors Joas and Susan’s place last night but couldn’t attend as we had to go to Menards.

I have pickles that need to be canned today. I will also make freezer pickles with them. For canning pickles, I use the recipe that a lady in our church gave me called sweet dill pickles. I will share the recipe with those of you that like canning your own pickles.

God bless!

Sweet Dill Pickles

Cucumbers, (sliced, enough for about 3 quarts, or double plus extra for 6-7 quarts)
2 cups white vinegar
3 cups white sugar
2 tablespoons canning and pickling salt
2 cups water
4 garlic cloves (per quart)
2 dill heads (per quart)
pinch of alum (per quart)

Put sliced cucumbers, garlic, dill, and alum in jars. Heat vinegar, sugar, salt, and water together then pour over pickles. Cold pack according to your guide for water bath canning. Makes 3 quarts.

Lovina’s Amish Kitchen is written by Lovina Eicher, Old Order Amish writer, cook, wife and mother of eight. She is the co-author of three cookbooks; her newest cookbook, The Essential Amish Cookbook, is available from 800-245-7894. Readers can write to Eicher at PO Box 1689, South Holland, IL 60473 (please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for a reply) or at [email protected].



11 thoughts on “Hosting church spurs Eichers to finally add trim and wainscoting”

  1. I understand the going to Menards. My husband likes to spend a lot of time there. Can you post photos to the facebook page of your trim and wainscoating? I would like to see it.

    1. We know someone else who is big Menard fan, when he gets to a city with one! 🙂 Thanks for your comments, and we’ll see if Lovina wants to share their project.

  2. Many hands makes light work! I am interested in how you make freezer pickles! I do freezer slaw; is the pickle recipe similar? Nothing like company coming to get one to finish projects, is there? Have a wonderful week!

  3. I am a fan of this week’s Sweet Dill Pickle recipe, but I’ve modified it slightly for a different taste. Reduce the amount of sugar by one cup and add a small hot pepper (I use jalapenos) to each jar . The result is “Sweet Heat”, just a little bite in the sweet dill mix. Try it and enjoy!

    1. We’re betting that Lovina and family would love that because they do like their hot peppers! Thanks, Cynthia!

  4. HI, I so look forward to your posts. I feel like I have a family like I always dreamed of having…thank you. I know what it is to be parent to a handicapped child. My son is legally blind, but does well, still he is a bit autistic and has issues with touching certain things and communicating. He was severely bullied in grade school so it left its mark. He never foughtback and was disrobed in school laughed at. belittled and made fun stuck as at aget 43 he had a breakdown.. it was terrible hard on me as my husband second husband, left me with all the debts and son ill. I got my teaching license back at age sixty two and taught school to get us moving forward and found son help with therapists and prayed a lot..and he is now fine again, and we are starting a new life here in Southern Minnesota. I miss INdiana..we lived in Garrett.. lovely town . Long time ago.. but I wish we had stayed in INdiana.. but mom got sick up here in Minnesota so we came up to help out. Like you folks… so I love how you help your family and have fun and are WONDERFUL cooks..I wash my windows the same. At our resort up north we always kept our cabin windows shined up….. love to you all thank you and for got to post on the lost horses last time..glad all is well now.. Blessings and I know how great it is to walk in on that clean back porch… Blessings.. and will post a freezer pickle recipe on here if you do not have to all

    1. Merri, your story is certainly very moving about your son… glad you are moving forward. God bless!

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