This is the last day of October already! Where does the time go? On Sunday, our clocks will fall back an hour, ending daylight saving time until next spring. I really do not care for the switching back and forth. I wish they would keep it one way or the other. Such is life!
Last week, we were able to get 10 bushels of apples into applesauce for daughter Susan and Ervin. It was an enjoyable day spent together working and visiting. I hadn’t seen Ervin’s mother Esther since the wedding last year, so it was nice to visit with her again. She had six boys and one girl, so she knows all about raising boys and is going to sew pants for Susan and Ervin’s three growing little boys. They are all so close in size that they can’t do hand-me-downs.
Daughters Loretta, Elizabeth, Verena, and I stayed to help until the applesauce was all in jars because we live closer than Esther and her daughters-in-law Rachel and Sarah. They had a driver bring them and probably had a 45-minute drive back home. Loretta, Denzel, Byron, and I went with their handicap buggy. We arrived back home at around 7:15 p.m. Later than we had anticipated, but I was glad to get the apples all done in one day for them. There were 157 quarts of applesauce canned for them, which will be a nice supply for the next year.

Here at home, daughter Lovina had supper ready for our family and Dustin’s when we arrived. While we were gone, Joe and the boys had picked all the peppers and tomatoes from the garden and garden beds. Now, our garden is history for 2023.
Son Benjamin has only one week left until he goes to the doctor and hopefully gets the okay to have his cast off. It was a long seven-and-a-half weeks for him.
Church services were held on Sunday at our neighbors’. Sister Verena came here after church and has been here since. She gets lonely if she’s home for too long alone. Today, we want to wash out my two cupboards. Since it only has my good china and the dishes I use on special occasions, I like to wash all the dishes when I have them out. Verena said she can do that for me today so that I can do another job.
Lord willing, Christmas services will be held here on December 24, and we will have a potluck meal afterward. We are trying to get a head start on cleaning since the holidays are a busy time of gatherings.
Son Joseph used the pressure washer and washed off the porch. He also moved some of the porch furniture to the basement for the winter. I like my wicker set and patio table and chairs in the basement for the winter months for protection. We wouldn’t use it out there on the porch anyhow. We do use it in the basement during the winter months sometimes. It’s always cozy in our basement with the heat down there. I’m organizing down there on the days I get to it. I want to make a play area for the grandchildren when they come. I have a bookshelf with books as well. They love reading or “looking” at books.
We are in the process of getting a stairlift put in for son Kevin, 18. We had a used one that a kind reader had donated to us, but it finally gave up on us. Kevin’s bedroom is upstairs, and he can’t get up the steps anymore. Son Joseph carries him up every night to bed. He can still come down, but it isn’t the safest, so we decided to get another chairlift. Kevin is the tallest of our three sons—almost six feet.
We traveled to Ann Arbor for doctor appointments last Friday. They do a lot of testing for muscular dystrophy. It makes a long day for the children (and also for Mom). It is a two-plus hour drive, so we are on the road for almost five hours.
Until next time… God bless! Stay safe and healthy!
Broccoli and Mushroom Soup
1 cup unsalted butter
1 small onion, diced
8 ounces fresh mushrooms, sliced thinly
4 cups diced fresh broccoli
1 cup all-purpose flour
4–5 cups milk, divided
1 cup chicken broth
1 cup grated Swiss cheese
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
Melt butter in a large saucepan or dutch oven on medium heat. Add onion, mushrooms, and broccoli, tossing and stirring vegetables in butter for 2–3 minutes. Sprinkle flour into the pan, continuing to stir so flour is evenly distributed and mixed with vegetables and the flour is being cooked—you are making a roux for this thick nourishing soup, so stir for another 2 minutes to blend completely.
Add 3 cups milk, continuing to stir vigorously to create a sauce. Turn the heat to low and continue stirring. As the soup thickens, add chicken broth and additional milk, a little at a time, stirring constantly so the soup stays smooth. Cook another 2 minutes, stirring constantly.
Add cheese, salt, and black pepper, stirring while the cheese melts. Add more milk if you want a thinner soup.
Dear Ms Lovina,
I look forward to you letter every week. I used to read your article in the AgriNews several years ago. I am so happy I found and signed up for your news letter.
I laugh at the children’s shenanigans, smile about the daily goings on. I appreciate the awesome recipes you share. And cry with sadness for the heartbreaking news of family deaths and broken hearts.
May God continue to Bless you and your family as you continue to bless us with with your wonderful articles.
Have a beautiful holiday season filled with love, laughter and family wrapped warmly in the protection of our Lord and God.
With love from a loyal Minnesota farm wife,
Long time reader of your column, always enjoy reading about your lovely family.