Lovina Remembers Lost Loved Ones

The ground is covered with snow again, which will probably be gone by tomorrow. On Sunday morning the ground was also covered, but it was gone by afternoon. Other than the cold spell the other week, we have had a pretty mild winter so far.

Daughter Loretta doesn’t mind if there isn’t any snow on the ground when she drives her mobility scooter over every weekday morning a little before 4 a.m. Dustin started working back in the RV factory since being low in work for several months. He walks over every morning with Loretta and Denzel, 18 months, and Byron, 5 1/2 months. He carries Byron and Denzel sits on Loretta. Some mornings Denzel will go “brrr brrr” when he sees me when it’s cold outside. Loretta sleeps in the recliner with Byron and Denzel sleeps in the crib. They usually sleep until 7:30 to 8 a.m. Denzel is getting old enough that sometimes he doesn’t want to go back to sleep when he sees Grandpa in the kitchen eating breakfast. He’ll sometimes sit on Joe and eat a little something, too, then he’ll let me put him back to bed after Joe leaves. Last week Joe was yodeling, and little Denzel sat beside him trying to yodel too. We had a good laugh about that.

On Saturday evening, daughter Lovina’s special friend Daniel had our whole family for supper at his house where he rents. I hadn’t seen the house since daughter Verena’s belongings were moved out and Daniel’s moved in. That house holds many memories for our family, with it being daughter Susan and Mose’s first home.

On the menu at Daniel’s house was grilled chicken, vegetable soup, potato salad, chips, Swiss roll bars, Jell-o, and homemade chocolate ice cream. Of course, we all took a dish of something to help out. After supper we played games.

Sunday was a quiet day, with just Joe and I home and daughter Verena and her special friend Daniel Ray. I made a brunch consisting of fried eggs, fried potatoes, bacon, cheese, hot peppers, toast, butter, and strawberry jam. It was nice and relaxing to just have a quiet day at home.

Plans are for my daughters and I to go help daughter Susan clean tomorrow in preparation for their upcoming church services they will host in March. Ervin’s mother plans to go help too.

January 31 will be three years since sister Susan passed away. Sister Verena has been staying with sister Emma and sons this past month. They both have lost a close loved one, and that makes lonely days. It is nice that they can comfort each other.

Also on January 31 six years ago, brother Amos passed away. They are both still missed so much.

Last night daughters Verena and Lovina stayed with daughter Elizabeth and Tim’s four children while they went to town. So getting supper was left to me for Joe and the three boys. I made grilled cheese, eggs, and ham, which was an easy but good supper.

On Thursday, I am planning to go to the metal/truss shop where Joe works. They are having a Customer Appreciation Day and will serve a meal to everyone that comes. I am going along to help serve if they need my help. God’s blessings!

Potato Salad
4 cups cooked peeled potatoes (diced or sliced), chilled
1 cup chopped celery
1 medium onion, chopped
1 cup salad dressing
1/3 cup mustard (yellow prepared)
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup sugar
1 to 2 teaspoons salt (to taste)
2 tablespoons milk
4 hard-boiled eggs, cooked, peeled, and chopped

Combine potatoes, celery, and onions in a large bowl. In another bowl mix salad dressing, mustard, vinegar, sugar, salt, and milk. Mix into potato mixture. Add eggs and toss.


Lovina’s Amish Kitchen is written by Lovina Eicher, Old Order Amish writer, cook, wife, and mother of eight. Her newest cookbook, Amish Family Recipes, is available wherever books are sold.  Because Lovina is Old Order Amish, she does not have email or a telephone in her home. Lovina does not respond to comments on this website, if you would like to contact her directly, click here.

One thought on “Lovina Remembers Lost Loved Ones”

  1. I have enjoyed following the family for many years and we share the recipes with our children.

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