All posts by Lovinas Amish Kitchen

Lemon pie recipe from Lovina’s next cookbook, Amish Family Recipes: A Cookbook across the Generations

A big thank-you to all you readers who came to my book signing at the Nappanee Public Library last Saturday. Thanks for all the kind words and encouragement. Thank you to my great friend Ruth for furnishing the transportation and always being so helpful in any way she can. Thanks also to my daughters Verena, 21, … Continue Reading ››

Late summer garden harvest and tomato bread recipe

Last week I wrote about how chilly it was, and now this week we are wishing we had some of that cool air. It has been a warm muggy week. We had a thunderstorm and quite a bit of rain during the night. Maybe this rain will cool it down. It seems it’s human nature … Continue Reading ››

Cool mornings, wedding invitations, and seasoned red potatoes

It’s a cool morning with the mercury on the thermometer almost down to the 50-degree mark. The redness from the sunrise is so bright, promising a beautiful day with the sun warming up the outside world. I have a few gas lights on to warm up the house for baby Ryan. Son-in-law Mose dropped daughter Susan … Continue Reading ››

Lovina shares gratitude for words of encouragement from readers

A good morning to all you wonderful readers across the miles. I am still tired at 4:45 a.m. but I need to have this column done before I leave today. I don’t often enough thank all you readers for your kind words of encouragement. It makes writing this column so much easier. I also appreciate the … Continue Reading ››

Family reunion fun with water balloons and abundant summer produce

Happy Birthday number 53 to sister Verena on August 22nd! On Saturday, sisters Verena and Susan hosted the annual family reunion on my side of the family. It was greatly attended, with only seven of my parents’ grandchildren not attending. All of us siblings were present. Brother Amos was greatly missed. Nancy came with some of … Continue Reading ››

Wedding anniversaries, funeral gatherings, and a birthday surprise

We are having rain this evening. I hear thunder in the distance. Daughter Loretta, 19, has two whole chickens on the gas grill on the porch. Red potatoes fresh from the garden are being steamed as well. Daughters Verena, 21, and Lovina, 15, should be coming home soon. They left this morning to go wash laundry … Continue Reading ››

A grandmother’s wonderful news

We have entered the month of August and the sun is shining this morning as I sit writing at the desk. I am by the east window, but the wraparound porch keeps the sun from shining in the windows. It makes nice sleeping with the cool evenings. First of all I want to share our wonderful … Continue Reading ››

The garden’s bounty begins

We are having great weather this week. It cools down at night for making sleeping comfortable. Very pleasant days so far. Mornings are actually chilly, with temperatures in the upper 50s. It sure beats the heat from last week. Yesterday we canned pickles. Cucumbers and dill from … Continue Reading ››

Putting up freezer jam, Virginia visitors, and a young overnight guest

Another hot week in July! Last week we had over an inch of rain but it didn’t cool off much. Today son Kevin had a therapy appointment so I took him to town. With the heat I didn’t want to take the horse and buggy. Our friend Beth took us. Continue Reading ››