All posts by Lovinas Amish Kitchen

Serving as head cook for 1,000 wedding meals leaves Lovina a bit tired

The wedding for Menno and Emma is now history. We wish them a long and happy married life together, with God guiding their way. Once again we do all that work for just one day, but it’s a special day they will always remember. When two become one in a marriage until death do them … Continue Reading ››

Lovina’s friend Ruth offers sneak peek into Amish wedding preparations

In this week’s column Lovina’s English (non-Amish) friend Ruth Boss gives us a glimpse into Lovina’s busy week as head cook for her niece’s wedding. This week I helped with preparations for the wedding for Lovina’s niece Emma. As an outsider, I am impressed by how beautifully orchestrated these events are. Family, neighbors and the … Continue Reading ››

Favorite Christmas goodies from the Eicher home to yours!

A simple way to turn standard chocolate chip cookies into festive goodies is to add colored M&M’s, or just use red and green M&M’s available at Christmas. Photo by Lucas Landis-Swartzentruber
Favorite Christmas goodies from the Eicher home to yours! We are still busy getting … Continue Reading ››

Lovina answers reader questions about Amish clothing traditions

This week my husband Joe, and son Benjamin, 19, are off all week for Thanksgiving. Son Joseph, 16, has off Thanksgiving Day and Friday, as well as Lovina, 14, and Kevin, 13 from school. So it seems as if this week will go faster than usual. Saturday our three sons and Joe went to help at … Continue Reading ››

Tim’s sister-in-law lands 17 point buck with a bow

Tim’s sister-in-law lands 17 point buck with a bow We awoke this morning to more snow, adding to our already snow-covered white world. It has been snowing all morning. We had our first snow earlier than usual and it is staying with all the cold temperatures. Last Friday, … Continue Reading ››

The lowdown on the services of a wedding wagon

The lowdown on the services of a wedding wagon November is bringing cold rainy weather. Leaves are all over our front yard from all the big trees there. The beauty of the season is upon us! Congratulations to niece Emma and Menno! They set December 7 for their wedding date where they will exchange vows in holy … Continue Reading ››

Rereading early columns is an occasion to ponder life’s many changes

Timothy and Elizabeth's new colt from mother Shiann. As Lovina reminisces and reflects here, life is always moving on.
Rereading early columns is an occasion to ponder life’s many changes  Supper dishes are washed, and most of the family is relaxing and getting showered before … Continue Reading ››

To follow Lovina around for the day, you’d have to rise at three

Diary of October 16, 2018 3:00 a.m. Alarm rings. It’s time to pack my husband Joe’s lunch, make some coffee for his coffee mug and fill his water jug with ice water. The 45-minute ride to work is enough time for him to enjoy the coffee. Joe is leaving 20 minutes earlier due to having a … Continue Reading ››

Garage sales yield great bargains, including gifts for the grandchildren (of course)

Daughter Lovina, 14, and son Kevin, 13, just left for school. It’s cold and windy outside, and the temperature has dropped to 54 degrees. We had just enjoyed a few nice warm and sunny days until yesterday, when it was rainy and cooler. Daughters Elizabeth and Susan … Continue Reading ››