All posts by Lovinas Amish Kitchen

Grandma Lovina’s dilemma: Which granddaughter to pick up when the buggy arrives?

It’s 6:45 a.m. and daughter Lovina, 14, and son Kevin, 13, just left for school. It’s still quite dark outside. Daylight Savings Time lasts until November, so it seems most of the school year it’s dark when they leave with the bus. I think this is my favorite time of the day. After the morning rush … Continue Reading ››

Fall dinners mean batter up for fried fish, vegetables and onion rings

This column will wrap up September. October starts on Monday already! It’s a big day for deer hunters with the season opening. Son-in-law Mose took our son Kevin, 13, out hunting on Saturday, when the youth hunt was held. Kevin shot his first deer, so that was exciting for him. Mose said the first thing Kevin … Continue Reading ››

Sticky lessons with Gorilla glue, and happy for supper on daughter’s patio

Head: Sticky lessons with Gorilla glue, and happy for supper on daughter’s patio It’s 8:30 p.m. and we just came home from daughter Elizabeth and Timothy’s house. Elizabeth made supper for us. She made cooked potatoes, cooked carrots, corn, Sloppy Joe sandwiches with ice cream for dessert. It was nice to not have to cook supper … Continue Reading ››

Stuck buttons, Abigail helps Grandma, and tight hugs

I’m sitting outside here by the grill as daughter Loretta grills hamburgers for our supper. We will also have vegetable soup with the hamburgers. The hamburgers are from our freezer which we packed individually last winter after butchering beef. This pack of hamburgers had cheese added. Today daughter Elizabeth and Abigail plus daughter Susan and Jennifer … Continue Reading ››

Missing loved ones at a family reunion  

Photo by Grant Beachy
Missing loved ones at a family reunion It was another hot and humid day with temperatures in the 90’s. Now we are having a thunderstorm. It might cool off after this. We are also getting a good soaking rain which … Continue Reading ››

Summer’s waning days bring bucketloads of tomatoes and family hog roast

In addition to lots of tomatoes, the Eichers canned these great looking peaches recently.
Summer’s waning days bring bucketloads of tomatoes and family hog roast It’s Wednesday evening around 7:00 p.m. Supper dishes are washed and put away. Everyone is cleaned up and relaxing before … Continue Reading ››

Ice cream ensures that back-to-school open house pleases even the littlest attender

Ice cream ensures that back-to-school open house pleases even the littlest attender Happy birthday to my sister Verena, whose 52nd birthday was August 22. We wish her God’s richest blessings and many more happy, healthy years! This is Thursday morning, and it seems the hours are going faster than I can keep up! School doors opened Tuesday, … Continue Reading ››

Hosting church brings surprise guests and plenty of fellowship

Today is the 59th birthday of my oldest sibling, sister Leah. Birthday blessings to her! Since we live two hours apart and I won’t get to see her, I sent a card and letter to her by mail. Our children who still live at home spent today helping daughter Susan and her husband, Mose, in preparation … Continue Reading ››

Pace of preparation picks up for Sunday church at the Eichers

Pace of preparation picks up for Sunday church at the Eichers
Benches and Ausbund hymnals are hauled from one home to another to use for church services in homes, pole barns or basements. Photo by Grant Beachy
Church services will be held here on Sunday, … Continue Reading ››

Hosting church spurs Eichers to finally add trim and wainscoting

Hosting church spurs Eichers to finally add trim and wainscoting Another busy week! Yesterday was a long day. Sister Emma and sons Jacob, 18, and Steven, 11, daughter Elizabeth with Abigail, and daughter Susan with Jennifer assisted us with our work. Steven had his eleventh birthday on … Continue Reading ››