All posts by Lovinas Amish Kitchen

Surprise puppies pop up for Elizabeth’s family

Thanksgiving Day is only two weeks away*. Unbelievable! Time goes so fast. And today baby Abigail is two months old. I went to the doctor to have the rest of my staples removed. I still have the blood clot in my leg so I need to be careful with that. I’m trying to take one day … Continue Reading ››

Lovina’s oldest daughter takes up the pen this week

Greetings from the Bontragers! I’m Lovina’s oldest daughter, Elizabeth, and I’m taking over for Mom this week. I’m not an excellent writer like Mom is, but I’ll give it a try anyway. Mom underwent some surgery this week. Depending on how the surgery turns out, she may need to stay a night or two. We hope … Continue Reading ››

Cozy days and a hog roast top a week with autumn colors peeking out  

  Signs of autumn are everywhere! The trees here in southern Michigan are absolutely beautiful as the leaves start changing color. Its 5:45 a.m. and son Benjamin is leaving for work. My husband Joe left around 3:40 a.m. for his job at the RV factory. Son Joseph is fallcolorsohiogetting … Continue Reading ››

Lovina’s family enjoys fall’s bounty with fresh venison, grape juice, hot pepper butter  

Another chilly morning! The temperature is 48 degrees at 7 a.m. The propane lights throw off heat which makes the house feel cozy and warm. We are in the process of getting things around to put up a chimney for where Mose and Susan have made their living quarters in our pole barn. We will burn … Continue Reading ››

Definition of a ‘handful’? Loading baby and two dogs into a buggy

It is Thursday already, and this column should have been written yesterday! The sun is shining brightly, with the thermometer showing 62 degrees this morning. Son Benjamin is home, as he doesn’t have work today. I hope he can clean up the remainder of the garden. We still have hot peppers, green peppers and cabbage in … Continue Reading ››

How Lovina’s new mattress made the children late to school

Mornings are very cool lately here in southern Michigan. Another sure sign that autumn is here. Our house seems extra empty this week. Daughter Verena, 18, is helping daughter Elizabeth with house work and the baby this week. Son Benjamin, 17, left Sunday afternoon with some friends for Pennsylvania. We miss them and look forward to … Continue Reading ››

Yes, Amish men help with laundry, and other post-baby tales!

Today (Sept. 22) autumn officially begins! My garden is definitely showing all signs of it. We have been enjoying cabbage out of the garden. Son Joseph brought a head of cabbage in one night and out of curiosity I weighed it. It looked so big—and it was! It weighed ten pounds after the outer leaves … Continue Reading ››

More wonderful news from the Eicher family!

Daughter Loretta and I are at home today while the rest are either working or at school. We did odd jobs around the house that have been neglected lately. I am excited to announce that Joe and I are grandparents now! Abigail Elizabeth was born to daughter Elizabeth and Timothy on Saturday, September 10 at 1:14 … Continue Reading ››

September means back to school, grilled stuffed peppers, and another wedding

School doors opened yesterday, September 6, throughout the county. It seems quiet around here with Joseph, 14, Lovina, 12, and Kevin, 11, all back to school. The bus is here around 7:00 a.m. We are so glad the pickup time is later this term. Joseph milks our cow Bessie in the morning, and then showers … Continue Reading ››