All posts by Lovinas Amish Kitchen

Who will be the donkey? Fun game for your holiday season plus pumpkin pancakes!

It’s Thanksgiving week already! We will have my sisters Verena and Susan and sister Emma, Jacob, and family here for Thanksgiving dinner and also all of our family. I am planning to prepare two turkeys plus all the trimmings. Son Benjamin, 16, was excited last week to shoot his first deer. My husband Joe and Benjamin … Continue Reading ››

Aggravation–the game, earache, sinus infection, and friends in a tragic accident

It is 7 a.m. Joseph, 13, Lovina, 11, and Kevin, 10, just left for school. It sounds very windy outside, but the temperature isn’t that cold, 58 degrees. Son Benjamin, 16, is outside doing the morning chores. He doesn’t have work today. Mose is putting a new motor in his saw if I understood right. The … Continue Reading ››

Meat grinder and fruit press produces yummy cider for the Eicher family

We are almost halfway through November. So far we are having beautiful weather for November. My husband Joe started our coal stove on Saturday for the first time this season. It seemed later than usual to start it. The house is nice and cozy now. Saturday we were at Jacob and Emma’s. Joe and our sons Benjamin … Continue Reading ››

Just like young women everywhere, newly married Elizabeth consults Mom

Jars of freshly canned applesauce won’t last long in the Eicher pantry!
Dear Readers: Hi! I’m Lovina’s oldest daughter Elizabeth. I’m not as good as Mom at writing this column but decided to give it a try again. It’s been several years ago that I … Continue Reading ››

Drawers that stick have got to go: Lovina helps sons organize space

Drawers that stick have got to go: Lovina helps sons organize space It is Wednesday evening and I still haven’t taken time to write this column. Daughters Verena, Loretta, and Lovina are washing supper dishes. The boys and Joe are just relaxing and getting cleaned up. Our supper was a simple, easy one. Verena and Loretta made … Continue Reading ››

Autumn days bring fond memories of Lovina’s mother and her column

October—such a beautiful autumn month! Our leaves on the trees are very pretty and colorful! We had a frost this weekend, which put an end to our garden for 2015. I really was ready for the garden to be done this year. It was such a busy summer, and it’s nice to have that extra … Continue Reading ››

Lovina’s daughter offers glimpse of a week in the life of an Amish teen

Hello! This is Lovina’s 17-year-old daughter, Verena. I decided to help Mom out since she is busy sewing Loretta’s dress for Friday. Mom sewed hers yesterday. She will be a cook and Loretta is a babysitter at Aden and Ruth’s wedding. I gathered the laundry for tomorrow, as I’ll be washing the laundry alone since … Continue Reading ››

Soaking in sunshine on rare October day, with sympathy for family of 12 children now orphaned

What a beautiful October day! It is sunny and the mercury on the thermometer climbed over the 70 degree mark. Laundry is on the lines, drying really fast. I think autumn days like this are probably few. Daughter Verena, 17, is taking advantage of the sunshine to weed the flower beds outside. Hopefully, this will be … Continue Reading ››

Eicher family adjusts to new routine after daughter’s marriage

This is already the last day of September. Only three more months of 2015 remain. Time—it does not stand still. Joe and I traveled to New Haven, Ind., one evening with sister Emma and Jacob and sisters Verena and Susan. We attended the viewing of my dad’s cousin Frances. Our sympathy goes to the family. It … Continue Reading ››

Steer runs laps in Lovina’s garden, and more autumn adventures

Autumn has arrived! The trees are showing signs of it with the leaves starting to turn colors. It is a beautiful, sunny day here in Michigan. Our horses and pony are all being reshod by Leander, a man from our church district. Verena and I were glad for his help getting in one of the steers … Continue Reading ››