June 14. Twenty-four years ago today I became a mother! Daughter Elizabeth is 24 and a mother herself now. In honor of her birthday, the girls and I will go to her house to spend the day with Elizabeth and her 21-month-old daughter, Abigail. We will go past daughter Susan’s house and take her and baby Jennifer with us. Elizabeth told us she will make breakfast for all of us. We will take lunch in to her. It’s always fun spending time with my children and grandchildren.
Daughter Verena regrets that she has to work and can’t spend the day with us. She just left for work at 5:30 a.m. I decided to write this column while all is quiet yet. My husband, Joe, left for work at 3:45 a.m. and son Benjamin left at 4:30 a.m. for his job.
As I sit here and think back 24 years ago, so many memories come to mind. When Elizabeth was born, Joe and I were still living with my parents. It was nice being close to my mother as I cared for my first baby. Being a mother is special, but it takes many prayers and much patience to raise children. I am far from perfect, but I want to always try my best. I have been truly blessed in so many ways.
Next month Joe and I will have our silver anniversary! Unbelievable! Twenty-five years have gone too fast!
Yesterday son Joseph and I were working in the garden. Its still too wet to till, but we were weeding. Oh my! I could not believe how the weeds grew with all the recent rain we’ve had. The tomatoes, peppers, and corn all look like they are growing well, but are behind when compared to other years. It was a wet spring and hard to get the garden planted. Farmers are having a challenge with getting all their crops out.
Tomorrow night we will put in hay. Always good to see the haymow filled for the winter.
On Sunday evening our family gathered here for supper and ate outside. The men made supper outdoors, with fish on the menu. It was enjoyable to not have to cook. It was a good thing that Elizabeth had a change of clothes along for Abigail, as she discovered all our water puddles. Then, as if running through them wasn’t getting her wet enough, she sat in a puddle! Baby Jennifer is now five months and is such a sweetie. She smiles a lot and has discovered that she can “talk.”
I managed to get the clothes for nephew Levi’s wedding cut out and now I just need to get them sewn. Next Friday daughter Susan is a cook at the wedding of their neighbor girl. She is sewing a gray dress for that wedding. She will bring it along today and we will help her get it done. Life is more demanding after you have a child, so it gets to be harder to get things accomplished. I told Susan I would rather sew than wash dishes today.

There is a strong smell of a skunk coming in the windows all morning. I really hope Mr. Skunk decides to leave soon! And hopefully our border collie dog, Buddy, does not try to fight with him. But the sun is peeping through and it looks promising for a nice day. What a joy after a lot of rainy days lately.
It was a great turnout at the book signing in Colon, Michigan. Thanks to all the readers who came! All my daughters and granddaughters joined me for the evening, which makes it even more enjoyable.
Does anyone have a good recipe for peanut butter pudding? A reader requested that recipe. Meanwhile, this zucchini recipe looks good, once zucchini season starts!
God’s blessings to all!
Sausage-Stuffed Zucchini
4 medium (6- or 7-inch) zucchini
1/2 pound bulk Italian sausage
1/4 cup onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 teaspoon oregano
1/2 cup fresh or frozen corn
1 medium tomato, seeded and diced
1 cup cheddar cheese, shredded
Cut each zucchini in half, lengthwise. Place cut side down in large skillet; add 1/2 inch water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until zucchini are crisp-tender, about 5 minutes. Remove and drain water.
Sauté together sausage, onion and garlic until sausage is browned; drain. Add oregano, corn and tomato. Cook and stir until heated through. Remove from heat and stir in 2/3 cup cheese; set aside.
Scoop out and discard seeds from zucchini. Spoon sausage mixture into zucchini shells. Place in greased 9 x 13-inch baking pan. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake uncovered at 375 degrees for 12–15 minutes or until heated through.
Lovina’s Amish Kitchen is written by Lovina Eicher, Old Order Amish writer, cook, wife and mother of eight. She is the co-author of three cookbooks; her newest cookbook, The Essential Amish Cookbook, is available from 800-245-7894. Readers can write to Eicher at PO Box 1689, South Holland, IL 60473 (please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for a reply) or at [email protected].
Enjoy reading about how your day goes. It’s been hot here supposed to get to 95 with a heat endex of 105 ,hope you enjoy your day with yours daughters,I have one of my daughters she live here,the other one in Ky. and my son live in Fl. You have a bless day.
Thanks, Barbara, for checking in here. Blessings to you as well.
I love reading your stories each week! Also love keeping up with what is going on with you and your family! God bless you and yours
Thanks for commenting, Gladys!
I haven’t read anything about your sisters, Susan and Verena lately; are they OK?
Otherwise, I so enjoy reading your column every week. Your inclusion of praise fro our Lord is so inspiring!
Happy anniversary to you and Joe! Hope it’s a day filled with love and laughter, making memories with your family!
Thanks, Ruth. As far as we know here, all is well with sisters. So many family members to write about and keep up with!
As ALWAYs, I enjoy your writings! Life is so busy, and you have to get up SO early! It’s a good thing that you are still young ~ 25th annuversary is a special one! Wonder how you will celebrate? We just had our 54th anniversary this week! Time Flies!
Since her anniversary is still coming up, we’re sure you will hear some mention of it after the actual anniversary! Blessings and thanks.
I just love your writing for it gives me hope..hope for children and families and our country to know there are people like you and your families in it. The good, the tight knit, the people who teach manners, and love and patience and kindness and the all good. I am thankful for you..and all of your kin. Thank you for taking time to write this glory. I makes me, a person who is totally alone, wonder what it would be like to have a family around me who was like that, so I had someone..had safety, and we all shared like you do. ….. a wonderful dream. Thank you God bless you all Merri
Merri, this is a very moving and touching note. So true what you say. God bless you right back!
Happy Anniversary ❤
Lovina’s anniversary was mentioned as coming up in a month so thanks for these good wishes!