Saturday our family came home for the day to assist us with our work except daughter Loretta and Dustin. Daughter Verena and I made fifty breakfast burritos to serve for breakfast. Daughter Elizabeth brought frosted sugar cookies and doughnuts and daughter Susan brought frosted pumpkin bars. Also, on the menu was coffee, hot chocolate, and rhubarb juice.
Category Archives: Cakes
A welcome addition to the family
I ended up not going to the comfort knotting last week. Instead, I went with daughter Susan and Ervin to the hospital. Now I have exciting news to share. Ervin Jay Yoder Jr. was born to Ervin and Susan at 6:17 p.m. on November 14. He weighs 7 pounds, 11 ounces, and is 19.5 inches … Continue Reading ››
Lovina Shares Fun Time with Grandchildren
Another week has gone by and it’s time to pen another column. Everyone has gone to bed except me. I stayed up later to get organized for another day of cooking and baking recipes for the upcoming cookbook. The photographer will come tomorrow and take photos of the dishes we prepare to put in the … Continue Reading ››
Eicher Family Celebrates More Birthdays and Weddings
Son Joseph’s 21st birthday was yesterday. Joseph and his special friend Grace, daughter Verena, and son Benjamin went out to eat in honor of his birthday. We couldn’t have a birthday supper here as I ended up at the ER with son Kevin, 17.
Kevin fell when getting up from his mobility scooter and fell face-first … Continue Reading ››
Lovina Enjoys Laundry Day with a Repaired Machine
It is 9 p.m. as I sit here on our front wraparound porch—a cool place to relax at night. My patio table and chairs are in the corner, so I get the west and north breeze. It is so peaceful. Daughter Verena is here tonight. I can hear her and daughter Lovina talking in the … Continue Reading ››
Lovina Enjoys Lots of Time with Children and Grandchildren
This column will wrap up March 2023 and another month down in history. It’s unbelievable how fast time goes.
We moved to Michigan from Indiana in March 2004, which is 19 years already. Lots of changes in those 19 years. Our oldest child was 9 when we moved, and we only had our six oldest children. … Continue Reading ››
Lovina Remembers Aunt Lovina
Yesterday we finished up with the rest of the beef. My husband Joe, son Joseph, and sons-in-law Tim and Dustin had dressed two beefs on March 11—that was the day we heard Aunt Lovina passed away. We waited to start on ours until we were back from Ohio. Dustin and Loretta split half of their … Continue Reading ››
Daughter Lovina Fills In as Lovina Prepares to Leave for a Funeral
It’s Monday morning and I do not have much time to write, so daughter Lovina will finish this column.
It is with great sadness that I share the news of my Aunt Lovina’s death. She had recently moved from Ohio to Kentucky to live with her daughter and family. She lost her second husband Abe two … Continue Reading ››
Birthdays, a Baptism, and Farewell to a Friend
Canning season is in full swing around here. We are a week into September already. September 10 is granddaughter Abigail’s 6th birthday. Her birth brought us much excitement, as she put Joe and me on the grandparent list. Every grandchild brings excitement, but that first grandchild makes a change in your life.
Last night all the … Continue Reading ››
Happy Birthday, Lovina!
I had a very nice birthday on Sunday, May 22. All my family came for supper, bringing pizza, ice cream cake, and chips. Games were played before and after supper, and … Continue Reading ››