Category Archives: Desserts

Missing loved ones at a family reunion  

Photo by Grant Beachy
Missing loved ones at a family reunion It was another hot and humid day with temperatures in the 90’s. Now we are having a thunderstorm. It might cool off after this. We are also getting a good soaking rain which … Continue Reading ››

Family spreads out, barn needs fixing

Family spreads out, barn needs fixing The last few days have been warmer and we sure enjoyed the sunshine! Now this morning it rained, but the sun is out again. Son Joseph is harnessing our horse Mighty, so I can take the buggy to a garage sale. The sale is being held by a neighboring Amish family. … Continue Reading ››

Nothing better in late winter than visits from Grandma’s little sweeties

We have entered the month of March, and it is definitely coming in like a lion! It is rainy, cold and windy here in our part of Michigan. We had several nice sunny days with temperatures hitting the upper 50s and lower 60s. It spoiled us and we really wanted it to stay. It sounds … Continue Reading ››

Lovina’s brother “didn’t know a stranger”

Lovina’s brother “didn’t know a stranger” So much sadness has been brought to our family since I last penned this column. God has once again reminded us that one does not have to be old to die. A week ago, January 31, my sister-in-law, Nancy tried to wake up my oldest brother Amos. Life had fled—Amos was … Continue Reading ››

February Brings Snow Drifts, Baptism Services, and Butchering

A snow fort made by the Eicher children a few years ago.
February Brings Snow Drifts, Baptism Services, and Butchering Editor’s note: Due to the death of Lovina’s brother Amos Coblentz on Jan. 31, 2018, this week’s column is a repeat from Lovina … Continue Reading ››

Runaway horse and buggy yank the Eicher family into a rousing new year

We spent New Year’s Day at sister Emma and husband Jacob’s house. We are four sisters in this area, and every year we all get together for a gift exchange. Emma had a haystack brunch. A haystack brunch includes biscuits, bacon, ham, sausage, smokies, potatoes, scrambled eggs, tomatoes, onions, green peppers, hot peppers, salsa, cheese sauce … Continue Reading ››

When mothers can’t sleep until all the children are home

When mothers can’t sleep until all the children are home It is Thursday morning and time to get this column written. Time goes so fast from week to week. How can it be Thanksgiving Day next week already? We will be hosting the Thanksgiving meal here for … Continue Reading ››

Dropping temps mean heating the house and baking pumpkin whoopie pies

Photo by Lucas Swartzentruber-Landis
The mercury dropped down to 30 degrees this morning! I’m sure that it frosted in most places. It makes it feel good to have heat in the house. It was good timing for us. On Tuesday we traded in our old … Continue Reading ››

Mighty the horse that rides to town on a lovely autumn day

Today is our son-in-law Timothy’s birthday. He is married to our oldest daughter, Elizabeth. We wish him a happy birthday and many more happy, healthy years! Foremost on our minds is the family of one of daughter Susan’s former classmates, Tyler. Tyler was a seaman in the navy. While on his way home from the navy … Continue Reading ››

Daughter Verena updates all the Eicher family doings: from cleaning to pontooning

Hello! I hope you are all doing well. This is Lovina’s nineteen-year-old daughter, Verena, writing. Mom was so tired so I told her I’ll take her place for this week. Loretta received this lovely birthday gift for her 17th birthday July 1 from her mother … Continue Reading ››