The menfolk have left for work, and I need to pen this column before getting started for the day. On my agenda today is to cut out my dress, cape, apron, and also daughter Lovina’s for the wedding. Ervin and Susan’s wedding is in three weeks, and it seems I keep pushing the sewing off.
Last week, I canned 34 quarts of chicken broth for daughter Susan. They need some for the dressing at the wedding. I also canned some soup for us. I put chicken chunks, potatoes, onions, carrots, and celery in a quart jar. Then I filled it up with chicken broth. This will make an easy meal. I can also add a quart of this to some noodles.

Yesterday daughter Loretta and I canned 34 quarts of chicken broth for them. I hope to can some chicken broth for us too, but I will wait until after the wedding and the holidays.
Tomorrow I will go help Ervin and Susan shop for any groceries needed for the wedding meal. It is much easier since they will only have one meal, but there is still a lot to get.
Last week sisters Verena and Emma, nieces Elizabeth, Emma (and her three children), and Crystal, daughters Elizabeth (and children), Verena, Susan (and children), and I all gathered at Ervin’s house. We put our brains together and figured out how much of everything would be needed for each recipe.
For a few examples, this list includes 40 eight-ounce boxes of cream cheese, 23 pounds of butter, 15 gallons of milk, 19 dozen eggs, and the list goes on and on.
Niece Elizabeth brought a casserole for our lunch, and everyone else brought something too, so our lunch was easy. Susan has a lot of her things moved over already.
On Sunday, son Joseph and daughter Lovina went to church with their special friends Grace and Daniel. The rest of our family all came for lunch here. The menu included grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, noodles, corn, cheese, hot peppers, ice cream, sherbet, cookies, and cupcakes. We spent the afternoon playing games. Before everyone left, we set out snacks such as venison sausage, popcorn, chips and salsa, cheese dip, cookies, apples, clementines, etc.
I had bought some writing tablets on clearance at Walmart for 50 cents, so I gave each of the children one. They were quite entertained writing and drawing in their tablets. Kaitlyn, Abigail, and Jennifer wanted Grandma to see how they could write their names. They are learning so much in school. They grow up so fast. May God always be their guide as they continue to grow older. Such sweet innocence, and oh, how precious each one is. They all have something unique, and I love listening to their stories.
We have been busy butchering deer. Tonight, son-in-law Dustin, my husband Joe, and sons Benjamin and Joseph have plans to dress one of the pigs Dustin raised. We will grind it into sausage so we can add some to our venison summer sausage. It isn’t quite as dry with sausage added.
Daughter Verena will have her 25th birthday on December 10. She still lives with Susan and the children. Her life will also change after Susan’s wedding. She has grown so attached to Jennifer and Ryan after two years of being with them daily. May God bless her for being there for them when they needed someone.
December 9 will always bring us a reminder of that morning of the accident which took the life of Susan’s husband Mose and turned our lives upside down. As time goes on and we let God lead the way, we can see that life must go on. Not in the ways we expected, but we know He has a plan. I am glad to see Susan happy again.
It’s not that she loves her dear Mose any less but has found that love again. My continued prayer is that they will have a long, happy life together. They would appreciate your prayers.
God bless!
Taco Chicken
8 boneless chicken breasts
1/2 cup Miracle Whip
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 package taco seasoning
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Mix salad dressing, juice, and taco seasoning. Brush each breast with mixture. Place in baking pan and bake 60 minutes or until tender.
Lovina’s Amish Kitchen is written by Lovina Eicher, Old Order Amish writer, cook, wife, and mother of eight. Her newest cookbook, Amish Family Recipes, is available wherever books are sold. Because Lovina is Old Order Amish, she does not have email or a telephone in her home. Lovina does not respond to comments on this website, if you would like to contact her directly, click here.
My husband, myself, and four friends processed three hogs one year.
It was a big job.
Each hog weighted about 2-3000 pounds each.
We hung them in a tree to butcher.
We used a hand cranked meat grinder.
It was a ruff go. But the sausage tasted so good after such ruff work.
Best wishes to the bride and groom.
And may the good Lord bless you all.