Hello! I am Lovina’s daughter Verena. Today (December 10), I turn 25 years old. I used to think a birthday was just another day and another year older. Which is true! But after losing three loved ones within a year, I look at birthdays a little differently. Now I believe that every birthday should be celebrated. It is another year that you had down here on this earth with your loved ones and friends. To me, that is a blessing!
Starting in January, I will be living on my own, God willing! I never fully moved all my stuff out of my bedroom at my parent’s place. It is sad to move my stuff out, but I need to know that I can be independent and actually live on my own. I also want to know the feeling of having the responsibility of taking care of myself without anyone helping. I’m sure I will still need a lot of help from my family and friends. Hopefully, I can always return the favor in some way or another. It is hard to move away from my parents. I think I see more now what they have done for me than I ever have. I cannot thank them enough.
Two years ago, sister Susan and I were sitting out on the porch swing at Dad and Mom’s place. Susan said she had this feeling that husband Mose would not pull through. She said she didn’t like having that feeling but needed to know if I would be willing to move in with her. I told her I couldn’t even think about that and that Mose would get better. We were both crying and trying to believe he would get better.
That night, I went to bed, and I prayed and prayed. The next morning when I woke up, I knew I could move in with Susan if the worst happened. Susan and I drove the horse and buggy over to their place. Not long after we got there, we got the call. The doctor wanted Susan to come up to the hospital. They had some bad news to say about Mose’s condition and didn’t want to say it over the phone. When Susan went, she found out that Mose was brain-dead, and the doctors had no hope of his recovery. Mose died on December 14.
I would have never thought I would live with my sister and her two children. I grew so attached to Jennifer and Ryan. I do not know the feeling of having my own children, but they are the closest it gets.
Now Susan will be getting remarried on December 30. She will live only a little less than a half mile from me, but it’s hard for me to think I will not be in the same house as Susan, Jennifer, and Ryan, but I know everything will be okay. I am very happy for Susan and am thankful that her children love Ervin, just as Ervin’s children love Susan. It helps to accept the change.
Tonight, some of my friends are coming over for my birthday. I plan to make a hamburger potato casserole and french fries, pickles, chips, etc. We had thought about going out to eat at a restaurant, but I do not like to go out in this cold, snowy weather.
I will share the cookie recipe that Ervin and Susan made for church services on Sunday. It’s his mom’s recipe that she uses. They mixed gelatin and sugar, then dipped a glass into that mixture and pressed it on each cookie before they baked it.
Merry Christmas to all and God bless!

Sugar Cookies
3 cups sugar
2 cups shortening
5 eggs
1 1/3 cup milk
1 tablespoon vanilla
8 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
4 heaping teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 teaspoon salt
Mix ingredients in the order given. Cream sugar, shortening, and eggs until light and fluffy for a softer cookie. Bake at 400 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes or until the edges are browned.
Lovina’s Amish Kitchen is written by Lovina Eicher, Old Order Amish writer, cook, wife, and mother of eight. Her newest cookbook, Amish Family Recipes, is available wherever books are sold. Because Lovina is Old Order Amish, she does not have email or a telephone in her home. Lovina does not respond to comments on this website, if you would like to contact her directly, click here.
Happy Birthday Verena.
Hi Verena,
It is always fun to hear from one of Lovina’s children. Sounds like you are in for some very big changes in your life. I hope that you are facing this as an adventure, for indeed it is. With your faith and family and friends you will be able to succeed in all that you do. I hope you will check in with us again and let us know how you are doing. Would love to know how a single Amish woman lives on her own. Where are you living? How do you get around? Would love to know about you if you would be comfortable sharing with us. Have a blessed Christmas Season and a prosperous and healthy New Year.
Happy birthday Verena! I wish you all the best as you move forward on your own. Please let us know from time to time how you are getting along on your own. Prayers
I would like to wish Lovina & her family a Merry Christmas & a healthy, blessed New Year??
Happy Birthday Lovina! Hope you had a wonderful day with your friends! Merry Christmas too!
I love hearing about your life’s adventures. Wanda Jordan