Giving thanks together even in hard times

Lovina’s husband, Joe, grilled their turkey this Thanksgiving. Photo provided.

Thanksgiving Day was not too eventful for us this year. My husband Joe put a turkey on the grill, and we relaxed and took the day off. Let us pray next year will be different. I decided to ask each of my children to write what they were thankful for this Thanksgiving. I am thankful to be the mother of my eight wonderful children. They grew up too fast. I am also thankful for my husband Joe, and my five grandchildren who have given Joe and me so much joy.

My husband Joe says he’s thankful for a loving wife, a supportive church, his family, and most of all God’s love for us!

Daughter Elizabeth: I’m thankful for food, family, friends, and faith. I’m thankful for my husband Tim and wonderful children Abigail, Timothy, and Allison. They are a gift from God. There is so much to be thankful for.

Son-in-law Tim: I’m thankful for my beautiful wife and our life together. I’m thankful for my precious children and that they are healthy. I’m thankful for my job so that I can provide for my family.

Abigail, age 4: I’m thankful for food and drinks and horses and butterflies. I’m thankful for church and books. I’m thankful for Daddy and Mom and T.J. and Allison. (Daughter Elizabeth says Abigail had a long, long list so she shortened it up, but Abigail also said she’s thankful for the little kids and pointed at T.J. and Allison).

Timothy (T.J.), 23 months: When asked what he’s thankful for said deer – buck and puppy.

Allison, 11 months, doesn’t say many words but she’s happiest when she’s breastfeeding and being held by her mother.

Daughter Susan: I’m thankful for our Heavenly Father who keeps His protecting hand over us. For the faith we can hold on to. I’m thankful for a great and loving husband and for our two most precious blessings we have—our children Jennifer and Ryan. I’m also thankful for my parents, brothers and sisters, and for having food to eat and a roof over our heads.

Son-in-law Mose: I’m thankful for my sweet wife and children, and for a place to live.

Jennifer, 2: Jesus, Dad, Mom, brother Ryan, her toys and candy. (Jennifer loves candy.)

Ryan, 16 months, doesn’t understand what we mean but he likes to talk about deer and spreads his hands to show how big it was. He loves scooting around on his little toy scooter.

Verena, 22: I am thankful for a home to live in as there are many without a home. Too often I take it for granted to have a roof over my head. God be with the ones who do not have that opportunity.

Dad and Mom have been my biggest support and made life as easy as they could for us children. I am thankful for my parents, siblings, nieces, and nephews.

I am thankful my parents taught me about God and taught me to pray to Him. I have learned that faith, love, family, and friends are very important to me. I am thankful Jesus died on the cross so that we can be saved from sin. I am thankful we have stayed healthy so far through the year of COVID-19. To those of you affected I pray you will recover, and that peace will be back to our world. May God be with all of you.

Benjamin, 21: I am thankful for my parents, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, and God. I am thankful to have a job I like, for my friends, and for good health.

Loretta, 20: I am thankful for parents who helped me grow to learn to respect everyone. Too often we see the bad and don’t see the good in others. I am very thankful to have my wonderful and supportive boyfriend Dustin who has helped me in so many ways. I am thankful for God, Jesus Christ, family, friends, and a home to come home to. I so often take life for granted. Life is too short to sit back and complain. Enjoy and be thankful for what you have. God bless everyone!

Joseph, 18: I am thankful for my family who have supported me and loved me as much as I love them. I’m thankful for my job. It teaches me to appreciate my good health to be able to climb and do the construction work I do. I’m also thankful for a good home to live in, but most of all for God and Jesus who died so we can be saved from our sins.

Lovina, 16: Although this year has been a long year with all that is going on with COVID-19, I am still thankful for so much. I’m very thankful for my family (even though my brothers can be a lot to deal with sometimes, ha ha).  I’m also thankful for my amazing boyfriend Daniel who is gladly willing to put up with me. I know I can be a handful at times, ha ha. God blesses us with things to be thankful for every day. I hope everyone had a great and safe Thanksgiving.

Kevin, 15: I’m thankful for food, family, a place to live, and for my cousin Steven. Most of all, I’m thankful for God. I am thankful to still be able to walk.

Lovina’s Amish Kitchen is written by Lovina Eicher, Old Order Amish writer, cook, wife, and mother of eight. Her newest cookbook, Amish Family Recipes, is available now from the publisher, Herald Press, 800-245-7894. Readers can write to Eicher at PO Box 1689, South Holland, IL 60473 (please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for a reply); or email  [email protected] and your message will be passed on to her to read. She does not personally respond to emails.

9 thoughts on “Giving thanks together even in hard times”

  1. Dear Lovina and family
    I am grateful for the window you have so generously opened for many people to see into your lives. Lovina, I started reading your column many years ago when your mother, Elizabeth, first began to write. I was born in Lancaster County many years ago and I still miss the nearness to the Amish community I used to enjoy. Your column helps me to remember and feel some of that closeness again.

  2. This is especially heartwarming to read all the children and grandchildren express their thanks! Thanking God, and family foremost. There is not enough gratitude these days. Thank you for your column and sharing your life with others. Stay safe, and God Bless!!

  3. So awesome how everyone wrote about being thankful. Praying Mose will be ok. Nose is Susan husband was in a bad accident. Pray pray

  4. What beautiful thoughts of gratitude written by everyone! You raised a wonderful, caring family that also honors our Savior. Thank you for sharing. God Bless all of you.

  5. Deeply saddened and shocked to read of the tragic passing of Susan’s husband, Mose. All my sympathy to Susan, Jennifer and Ryan, to Lovina, Joe and the Eicher family and of course to Mose’s family.
    You are in our thoughts at this difficult time.

  6. May the Lord richly bless you and your family. May he give you peace and comfort all your days. And God bless Susan and her children.

  7. When I read of Mose’s passing it was if a close member of my own family had passed. It seems I have read about Lovina’s family all my life.
    Many times I have received insight, blessings and comfort in Lovina’s words. I send blessings and strength to Lovina, Susan and the family.

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