All is quiet here at the Eicher household. Everyone has retired for the evening. I will be glad to join them, but I can’t neglect the duty of getting this column ready for the mail tomorrow. I will leave early to go help bake pies at brother Albert’s house.
Albert and Sarah Irene’s daughter, Irene, is getting married to Levi Raber on Wednesday. I will be a cook at the wedding, so some of us go to help prepare whatever needs to be done and bake pies. I still need to sew my cape and apron for the wedding. I finished my dress. Daughter Elizabeth and her friend, Timothy, are table waiters and Elizabeth has to wear the color berry. She has her outfit all sewn. It’s such a help to me that she can cut out and sew her own dress, cape, and apron.
On July 31 another of my nieces is getting married. Brother Amos’s daughter Marlene is getting married to Chris Troyer. This wedding will be in Berne, Indiana.
I was asked to be a cook, and Elizabeth and Timothy are table waiters again. Elizabeth will have to wear a periwinkle-colored dress for this wedding. Marlene chose the same dark blue color for the cooks as Irene did. That will make less sewing for me.
We were invited back to the place where church was held at today for supper. We decided to just stay home. It was a relaxing evening with all the family home and Timothy and Mose were here as well. Joe and our three sons, Timothy, and Mose played a few games of croquet. The girls aren’t very fond of playing that game so all five daughters went for a walk.
For supper, I made an Italian sausage and potato casserole, and also a garden salad with fresh lettuce from our garden. I will share the casserole recipe at the end of my column. Sisters Verena and Susan shared this recipe with me that a friend had given to them. I like trying something different, and it was a winner in the family as most of it was eaten up. There was just enough for Joe’s lunch for tomorrow at work.

The girls did the chores for sisters Verena and Susan from Wednesday to Saturday. They went on a sight-seeing tour to Niagara Falls with a busload of their friends. There were 42 girls in all on the bus. It sounds like they had a nice trip.
On Friday while we were washing the laundry the wringer stopped working. We have a spare wringer when something like this happens, and guess what—the last time my wringer broke we laid it aside, never taking time to take it to be fixed. So there we were without a wringer and halfway through the washing of our clothes. Luckily, I have a spinner to help spin water out of the clothes but it was still a chore to wring all those clothes out by hand.
Sisters Verena and Susan do not have to work tomorrow and said the girls could bring the clothes over to wash at their house. Since I’m leaving they might just do that. I’m not sure how quickly our washing machine will be in working order again. We had to take the washing machine to get it checked out as well, as Joe thinks it could be the gears in there instead of the wringer.
We were excited to hear that we are uncle and aunt again. Joe’s brother, Benjamin, and Miriam from Sugarcreek, Ohio, were blessed with a little girl, Victoria Joy, recently. We look forward to meeting her.
Blessings to all!
Italian Sausage and Potato Casserole
- 5 sliced potatoes
- 1 large onion (chopped)
- 1 large green pepper (chopped)
- 2 pounds Italian sausage
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- Salt, pepper, and oregano to taste
Mix sliced potatoes, onion, green pepper, and seasonings with olive oil. Bake in a 9 x 13 pan, covered, for one half hour at 350°. Remove from oven and drain, if necessary. Cut sausage in pieces and add to potato mixture. Continue cooking for one hour or until sausage is done.
I was so disappointed your weekly writings were replaced by another woman in my local paper. I’m sure the replacement is a very nice person, but not you. I have followed you and your family for many years. I was so disappointed, I cancelled my paper, though it’s not their fault. Today I thought I would try to find you on the web and here you are on Facebook..hooray.
Hi, Susan! Please let us know the name of your local paper. We’ll reach out to them again and see if we can convince the editors to take on Lovina’s new column.
I too miss having Lovina in our weekly paper the Battle Creek Enquirer & News. I have read the Amish Cook for so many years I feel like Lovina and her family are neighbors, So happy to have found this page.
Thank you!
We wish it was there as well!
Would you check to find out if our local paper would print your column each week. They have another women writing but I sure miss your letters. Our paper is ( The DailyAdvocate.) Greenville Ohio. 45331
Thank you, Joan
Would you check to find out if our local paper would print your column each week. The paper is The Daily Advocate.
Greenville, Ohio 45331
Query is sent, Joan! Please contact the paper as well, as it usually helps to have a reader contact the paper as well.