A Weekend with the Grandchildren

We have entered into the month of May—so next month is June, which brings us even closer to daughter Lovina and Daniel’s wedding. I’m trying to not get nervous, but it always seems to be a long way off. Yesterday daughter Susan said there are seven more weeks until the wedding, and that made me realize I better get started on sewing. Today my goal is to cut out all the clothes, which is the job I don’t care for as much as the sewing part of it.

My husband Joe returned to work this week. His hand is doing pretty well. I think he’s just tired of thinking of all the work that has to be done before the wedding. We will take one day at a time.

Joe and I planted our garden on Saturday. The raised beds sure save our backs. We planted potatoes, corn, green beans, zucchini, and peas in the garden, as we don’t have enough beds yet. We have seven, but they fill up fast with sweet onions, radishes, lettuce, green peppers, hot peppers, tomatoes, etc. It was a relief to get the garden out—now we need to keep the weeds out.

After we were done on Saturday, Joe and I showered and packed a bag and drove our horse and buggy to daughter Elizabeth and Tim’s house, which is a little less than seven miles from here. Tims had told us to come. Tim and the children found a lot of mushrooms and wanted us to come enjoy them when they fix them.

When we drove in, all four children came running to our buggy shouting, “Grandpa and Grandma!” Even little two-year-old Andrea was jumping up and down shouting our names. What a warm welcome! We felt pampered. Tim started a campfire, and Joe and I sat by a table beside it and enjoyed a delicious supper they made. They grilled chicken, cooked potatoes on the fire, fixed mushrooms, etc. Then we had peanut butter pie and ice cream for dessert.

Abigail, 7, and Timothy (T.J.), 5, took turns riding their miniature pony Prancer. Prancer used to be our pony. It brought back memories of when daughter Lovina and son Kevin rode him like that. Prancer loves children and cooperated with them when they climbed on and off, except sometimes he wanted to eat grass instead of walk around. Abigail was brushing and currying his hair, which he loves. We had a very relaxing night!

The next morning we slept a little later, then enjoyed a delicious breakfast consisting of fried eggs and potatoes, bacon, toast, cheese, hot peppers, etc. The table was set for the eight of us. Allison and Andrea both wanted to sit between Grandpa and I, but the squabble was settled with Allison giving up. She is such a blond-haired, blue-eyed sweetie and plays so quietly alone.

We played games with the children. I was surprised how well T.J. plays checkers. He gets all excited when he plays. Then we played Uno and Abigail caught me not saying Uno when I was down to one card. They thought it was funny that I had to take two more cards. It was some precious time spent.

Dustin and Loretta and sons, as well as Ervin and Susan and six children, came to Tim’s in the afternoon for snacks, so we saw all twelve of our grandchildren. Each one is so special. Isaiah will have his sixth birthday on May 10 and son-in-law Ervin’s birthday is May 11. Happy birthday to both!

Lovina wants to bake a cake for Isaiah sometime. Next week my daughters plan to come a day to make noodles and strawberry freezer jam for the wedding. We also need to can rhubarb juice soon as the rhubarb are really growing. We are still enjoying meals from our asparagus.

Thank you for your continued prayers for brother Albert. It is greatly appreciated! God’s blessings!

Strawberry Banana Bread
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg, beaten
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
3 tablespoons milk
1 cup mashed bananas
1 (3 ounce) package strawberry jello
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 cups flour
1/2 cup nuts (optional)

Cream butter and sugar. Add egg. In a separate bowl, combine baking soda, milk, bananas, and jello. Add to butter mixture. Add baking powder, flour, and nuts. Pour into well-greased loaf pan. Bake 40 minutes at 350°F, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Lovina’s Amish Kitchen is written by Lovina Eicher, Old Order Amish writer, cook, wife, and mother of eight. Her newest cookbook, Amish Family Recipes, is available wherever books are sold.  Because Lovina is Old Order Amish, she does not have email or a telephone in her home. Lovina does not respond to comments on this website, if you would like to contact her directly, click here.

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