We are having beautiful spring weather lately. It sure gives a person spring fever, although it’s really not too long before the calendar says “spring begins”. Yesterday I took advantage of the lovely weather and washed a lot of the bedding along with the usual laundry. It dried so nice and the wind made the bath towels so fluffy for being line-dried.
All posts by Lovinas Amish Kitchen
I want to write this column before I leave this morning. Daughter Loretta and I are attending the coffee break our church ladies are having for neighbor Susan. She had hip replacement surgery so this should cheer her up. Everyone always brings a lot of good food and it’s nice to visit before we all go home and start our day’s work.
Church Preparation Continues and Family Updates
It is almost 6 A.M. on this Tuesday morning. It is warm weather for February with the temperature at thirty-eight degrees. The snow is disappearing fast. Oh no, now our yard is exposed and needs to be cleaned up a little before Sunday. As long as the snow covered it, we couldn’t see the leaves that were never raked up.
Suprise Visit From Joe’s Sisters
We are having real winter weather lately. Snow and ice have accumulated which made road conditions not good. This morning the mercury on our thermometer has dipped down to 2 degrees. Brrr!!
Lovina’s Family Comes to Help
Saturday our family came home for the day to assist us with our work except daughter Loretta and Dustin. Daughter Verena and I made fifty breakfast burritos to serve for breakfast. Daughter Elizabeth brought frosted sugar cookies and doughnuts and daughter Susan brought frosted pumpkin bars. Also, on the menu was coffee, hot chocolate, and rhubarb juice.
Grandchildren Share Their Thoughts
Following are what the children told daughter Verena to write in the column last week. Space did not permit us to add this so we will put it in this week’s column. Daughter Verena stayed with daughter Susan and Ervin’s five children while they went to Florida to spend a week with his parents.
Daughter Verena Shares Her Adventures with the Grandchildren
This is Lovina’s daughter Verena writing. I decided to write, as I have some free time. I am staying with my sister Susan’s five oldest children: Kaitlyn, 8, Jennifer, 7, Isaiah, 6, Ryan, 5, and Curtis, 5, for eight days, as Ervin’s parents took Susan and Ervin to Florida as a wedding gift. … Continue Reading ››
Lovina shares about growing church districts, and family members meet new baby Kylie
It is Monday morning and the temperature is 19 degrees Fahrenheit. The windchill is at 7 degrees, so it feels cold when the door opens. We sure have had our share of cold temperatures. Son-in-law Tim is hoping the lakes will freeze hard so he can take his children Abigail, 8, and Timothy (T.J.), 6, … Continue Reading ››
Lovina’s daily diary for a January Friday
Diary for January 10, 2025
4:40 a.m. Our alarm rings, telling us it’s time to start a new day. Joe only works until 12:30 today, so I don’t have to pack more than some snacks for him and fill his water jug. I make him breakfast, which is the usual … Continue Reading ››
The new year brings a new grandchild and a letter from sister Emma
A brand-new year is here, 2025! May it bring much joy and happiness to you with God’s many blessings.
We are excited to welcome the new year with … Continue Reading ››