All posts by Lovinas Amish Kitchen

Early springtime fun with the grandchildren—and more beef

Another week has already passed us by, and it is time to pen this column again. My plans for today are to wash daughter Elizabeth and Tim’s laundry. Daughter Lovina assisted her with her work for several hours yesterday. I went to pick Lovina up and brought the laundry home. Today sounds like it will be … Continue Reading ››

Cherishing Time Spent with the Grandchildren

Another week has flown by, and it’s already time to pen this column again. Actually, the last column for this month. We will enter March, and soon the calendar will be saying it’s spring. My wish is that the weather will match the calendar. We had a few nice days of temperatures over 50 degrees, … Continue Reading ››

Celebrating Birthdays and Putting Puzzles Together with Family

The mercury on our thermometer has dipped down to the single digits this morning with a reading of 5 degrees. The wind chill is below 0, so son Joseph wasn’t looking too forward to working outside today. They are building a pole barn close to Lake Michigan. He said they have even more snow there … Continue Reading ››

Responding to Readers’ Questions and Date-Nut Pudding

The laundry from yesterday is now up from the basement, folded and awaiting each owner to carry their stack upstairs to be put away. Next is getting supper ready. The menu tonight will be pon hoss (given to us by Dustin, Daniel, and Grace’s family), scrambled eggs, coffee soup, and cheese. That’s a simple meal, … Continue Reading ››