All posts by Lovinas Amish Kitchen

Placid evening after family devotions a fitting finale for the day

Supper is over and we have had evening devotions. All the children have gone their own way now—some to bed and some reading, writing or just relaxing. I love evenings like this, when everyone is close by. Every mother has those moments, I’m sure. Making my day even more complete was having daughters Elizabeth and Susan … Continue Reading ››

Nothing better in late winter than visits from Grandma’s little sweeties

We have entered the month of March, and it is definitely coming in like a lion! It is rainy, cold and windy here in our part of Michigan. We had several nice sunny days with temperatures hitting the upper 50s and lower 60s. It spoiled us and we really wanted it to stay. It sounds … Continue Reading ››

Using up scraps to make matching dresses for the grandbabies

Using up scraps to make matching dresses for the grandbabies The sun is out! The sky is so lovely today. What a great master artist we have. Only He could paint a picture like this. The temperature is at 36 degrees. The Eicher sewing machine … Continue Reading ››

Successful surgery for Verena; toddler Abigail helps “write” column

Successful surgery for Verena; toddler Abigail helps “write’ column Daughter Verena’s surgery on her foot was a success! She has been having more pain since the numbness wore off but that can be expected from a surgery like this. Verena will probably have her cast on for six to eight weeks according to the doctor that … Continue Reading ››

Lovina’s brother “didn’t know a stranger”

Lovina’s brother “didn’t know a stranger” So much sadness has been brought to our family since I last penned this column. God has once again reminded us that one does not have to be old to die. A week ago, January 31, my sister-in-law, Nancy tried to wake up my oldest brother Amos. Life had fled—Amos was … Continue Reading ››

February Brings Snow Drifts, Baptism Services, and Butchering

A snow fort made by the Eicher children a few years ago.
February Brings Snow Drifts, Baptism Services, and Butchering Editor’s note: Due to the death of Lovina’s brother Amos Coblentz on Jan. 31, 2018, this week’s column is a repeat from Lovina … Continue Reading ››

Birthday basket full of goodies makes its rounds to the Eicher house

Daughter Susan had her 22nd birthday on January 24. We had cake and ice cream for Susan after supper. I will never forget how glad I was when my midwife (Joe’s aunt Sylvia) arrived the day Susan was born. It was blowing snow, and the roads were drifting shut. Susan was born at 2:37 pm, and … Continue Reading ››

Find out what’s new at the Eicher household!

The sun is shining bright but the mercury is only at 16 degrees. We have had our share of cold weather. I am very excited to share the news that Joe and I are grandparents for the second time! Jennifer Susan was born at 7:46 a.m. on January 15, 2018, to daughter Susan and Mose. She … Continue Reading ››

Runaway horse and buggy yank the Eicher family into a rousing new year

We spent New Year’s Day at sister Emma and husband Jacob’s house. We are four sisters in this area, and every year we all get together for a gift exchange. Emma had a haystack brunch. A haystack brunch includes biscuits, bacon, ham, sausage, smokies, potatoes, scrambled eggs, tomatoes, onions, green peppers, hot peppers, salsa, cheese sauce … Continue Reading ››