We are having beautiful spring weather lately. It sure gives a person spring fever, although it’s really not too long before the calendar says “spring begins”. Yesterday I took advantage of the lovely weather and washed a lot of the bedding along with the usual laundry. It dried so nice and the wind made the bath towels so fluffy for being line-dried.
Category Archives: Breakfast
Lovina Savors the First Hints of Spring
We have entered the first week of February, though it would be hard to tell by the weather. Yesterday was sunny and 50 degrees. I hung all the laundry out to dry, and most of it could be folded and put away the same day.
Happy birthday to Grace (son Joseph’s special friend). Her birthday is … Continue Reading ››
Lovina Explains the Process for Butchering Pigs
Today is granddaughter Andrea’s (Tim and Elizabeth’s) first birthday. Friday evening, we will go to Tim and Elizabeth’s for supper in honor of her birthday. She has the biggest eyes and the sweetest smile.
Tim came tonight to pick up their lard press which we used last Saturday when we butchered pigs. He brought along grandson … Continue Reading ››
A Day in the Life with Lovina and Her Family
Diary of February 7th
4:00 a.m. The alarm rings, and it’s time to start another day.
Dustin, Loretta, and Denzel, seven months, come over. Loretta and Denzel lay on the recliner to take a nap since it’s still so early. Dustin leaves for work. Loretta has another appointment with the doctor tomorrow. They want to see if … Continue Reading ››
Lovina Mourns the Loss of Loved Ones
Friday, January 31, is a day that brings sad memories to our family. Two years ago, sister Susan died at age 44; five years ago, brother Amos died at age 56. Both were still so young and are still greatly missed.
Joe and I, daughter Verena, daughter Loretta, Dustin, and baby Denzel started out with Heather … Continue Reading ››
Daughter Lovina Welcomes the New Babies
Dear Readers,
I’m daughter Lovina (18) and I will be writing the column for this week. Congratulations to my cousin Emma and her husband Menno, who had a baby girl on November 2. Her name is Jazlyn Grace, and I am going to go see her tonight—can’t wait!
Dustin and Loretta’s little boy Denzel is doing great, … Continue Reading ››
Daugher Lovina’s 18th Birthday & Hosting Church
Today—May 18—is daughter Lovina’s 18th birthday. Lovina was born soon after we moved to Michigan. It’s hard to believe it’s been 18 years. She has grown into a lovely young lady with a great sense of humor. Her special friend Daniel is an important part of her life and she has enjoyed his friendship for … Continue Reading ››
Mother’s Day Celebrations & New Clothes for Benjamin
Our warm weather has arrived, bringing 80-degree temperatures this week.
I hope all you mothers had a very nice Mother’s Day. I was blessed with having all my children home for the day. I made a brunch for everyone, with a menu of fried eggs, potatoes, bacon, cheese, toast, jelly, butter, hot peppers, brownies, cookies, rhubarb … Continue Reading ››
Adventures with baby chicks and a visit from Aunt Lovina
It’s a windy, rainy morning, and the temperature is around 44 degrees. Son Joseph got a call saying he won’t have to work today because of the rain. They have no inside work as of now.
Daughters Verena, Susan and children Jennifer and Ryan came here after supper last night and spent the night here. I … Continue Reading ››
Celebrating a Baptism
Everyone is winding down and getting ready for bed. Another day is over and history.
Today daughter Lovina, 17, spent the day at daughter Elizabeth and Tim’s house. She stayed with the children while Elizbeth took baby Andrea for a check-up at the doctor. She now weighs 8 pounds, 6 ounces. She was 8 pounds, 3 … Continue Reading ››