Category Archives: Breakfast

Painting, packing, plus home-demonstration parties

A cold morning of 11 degrees. It’s freezing and as Abigail would say, “Brrrr – cold!” Eleven days until Christmas day. I just can’t believe how much faster every year goes by. Life goes on. Changes are made, some good, some bad. The most important part in life is to always let God guide us into … Continue Reading ››

Getting things done: dresses, garden cleaned off, salsa made, church prep

It is bedtime already but my agenda looks way too loaded for tomorrow. Today was long enough already but this column needs to be written and on its way. I started the day with sewing on daughter Verena’s dress that she needs for her baptism on Sunday. I have the dress almost done. While I was sewing … Continue Reading ››

Elizabeth hosts the family for brunch, family games, and birthdays

This column will bring us more than halfway through 2017 already! My arms are sore this morning from all the painting we did yesterday. Sister Emma and I helped paint three rooms at our sisters Verena and Susan’s house yesterday. The new floor will be put down next week so we wanted the painting done before … Continue Reading ››

With husband and children on vacation, Lovina serves up extra recipes

We recently butchered our old laying hens and canned around fifty quarts of chicken broth. My husband, Joe, and our children are home on vacation the week of July 4. So this week I’m sharing some extra recipes. The Eicher family canned chicken broth … Continue Reading ››

Heartfelt sympathy for family of 13-year-old relative after tragic death

The calendar tells us spring is here but the weather thinks differently. It has been cold so far this week. Son-in-law Mose is boiling maple syrup as fast as he can keep up in the evenings. Son Benjamin keeps the fire under the cooker going all day and adds more sap as it cooks down. … Continue Reading ››

Just an ordinary day? The comings and goings of the Eicher family

Diary of March 1, 2017 3:10 a.m.   The alarm rings—time to get up and prepare Joe’s lunch. I make a pot of coffee. Joe always likes a mug of coffee to drink on his way to work. 3:55 a.m.   Joe leaves for work. He is leaving later since one of our neighbor boys started working … Continue Reading ››

Scary moments for Eicher family

Scary moments for Eicher family It is Thursday morning and past time for this column to be on its way. Joseph, 14, Lovina, 12, and Kevin, 11, are almost ready for the school bus. Son Benjamin, 17, is hitching up a horse to take our daughter Susan to … Continue Reading ››

Heaps of dessert but no salad at your last potluck? Take a lesson from Lovina and friends

Six weeks ago today I had my surgery. I am feeling pretty good but am still being careful about my blood clot. It gets better every day. On Sunday I went to church for the first time since my surgery. I appreciated all the “welcome backs” and concerns for my health. On our way home Joe … Continue Reading ››

Hop in the pony buggy for the last day of school

It’s a nice sunny day for the clothes to dry, and we have the lines filled with laundry. We have been blessed with several rains over the weekend and this past week. P1080497 Here's the pony and buggy, giving a ride to Lovina's cookbook photographer … Continue Reading ››

Longer bus ride not so good for Eicher children; plus sad horse news  

Daughter Verena made this for her cousin Rosa and her special friend. She makes it with plastic canvas and yarn. I am a day late getting this column out. Every week passes by faster than the one before. Time does not stand still—that’s for sure. Joseph, Lovina, and Kevin left for school a few minutes ago. The … Continue Reading ››