Category Archives: Meats

Baby colt delights Eicher children; Lovina offers delicious spring asparagus recipe

Black Beauty was born to Itty Bit May 1, 2015!
May is here already. It seems as though 2015 just began and now we are already in the month of May. The first of May brought some excitement here. Our horse Itty Bit gave birth … Continue Reading ››

Hog butchering, Amish style, plus recipe for hamburger-veggie soup

Another week has gone by already. These last weeks have been extra busy with working on our beef and pork. On Saturday we butchered the four pigs we raised. They were pretty big already. After all the hams, pork chops, bacon, and ribs were cut out, the bones were trimmed of the meat and the meat … Continue Reading ››

Whole family gets in on butchering this week

It’s another cold January day. The temperature is finally one degree above the zero mark. The sun is shining though, which gives everything a brighter look! We are glad for all the sun we get in the winter months. The solar freezer we have depends on the sun to keep running. We are still glad we … Continue Reading ››

Frigid cold but warm family fellowship over haystacks, barbecued meatballs

School doors closed for the day. We are having frigid temperatures with a bitter cold wind. The wind chill is minus 30 this morning and the temperature minus 8. Brrrr! But we are enjoying winter scenery. The ground is covered with snow. My husband Joe and daughters Elizabeth and Susan are back working at the RV … Continue Reading ››

Glide into winter with some Eicher vegetable soup

For this week I am going to write a diary of November 18, Tuesday. 3:25 a.m. The alarm rings and it’s time to start another day. I pack my husband Joe’s lunch. He doesn’t eat breakfast until his first break so I pack a ham and cheese sandwich for that. For lunch I put in some … Continue Reading ››

Fall family gatherings a time to reconnect

We are in the final week of October. It is a dark, dreary morning. This weekend we need to turn our clocks back an hour. I still have trouble getting used to the changing of time in the spring and fall. My husband Joe, son Benjamin, and daughters Elizabeth and Susan are all at work. Daughters … Continue Reading ››

A pony, A wedding, and a children’s cornfield hideaway

A lovely Tuesday evening! It was a chilly 41 degrees this morning but warmed up into the 70s. Right now it is pretty quiet in this house. Six of our children decided to go the four miles to sister Emma and Jacob’s house. Some rode the ponies and some biked. They wanted to go see Jacob’s … Continue Reading ››

Busy butchering day proves a blessing

Today is our youngest child Kevin’s ninth birthday. Has it really been that long? It was also the first day of school, so he was a tired little boy tonight. Daughter Verena baked a horseshoe-shaped cake for him today since I wasn’t home all day. He requested a horseshoe cake and wanted chocolate cake. [caption id="attachment_194" … Continue Reading ››

Wedding prep and washer breakdown: all in a week’s work

All is quiet here at the Eicher household. Everyone has retired for the evening. I will be glad to join them, but I can’t neglect the duty of getting this column ready for the mail tomorrow. I will leave early to go help bake pies at brother Albert’s house. Albert and Sarah Irene’s daughter, Irene, is … Continue Reading ››