Category Archives: Uncategorized

Lovina’s Family Comes to Help

Saturday our family came home for the day to assist us with our work except daughter Loretta and Dustin. Daughter Verena and I made fifty breakfast burritos to serve for breakfast. Daughter Elizabeth brought frosted sugar cookies and doughnuts and daughter Susan brought frosted pumpkin bars. Also, on the menu was coffee, hot chocolate, and rhubarb juice.

Lovina shares about growing church districts, and family members meet new baby Kylie

It is Monday morning and the temperature is 19 degrees Fahrenheit. The windchill is at 7 degrees, so it feels cold when the door opens. We sure have had our share of cold temperatures. Son-in-law Tim is hoping the lakes will freeze hard so he can take his children Abigail, 8, and Timothy (T.J.), 6, … Continue Reading ››

Giving thanks for God’s blessings—including fresh ponhoss and sausage

It is already mid-forenoon and I feel like I’m running behind. I have so much to do before Joe and I leave tomorrow.

Joe’s workplace is taking their employees and their spouses and children under age 16 to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, over Thanksgiving Day. Two Crossroad buses will take all of … Continue Reading ››