Category Archives: Uncategorized

Children spreading wings as Lovina plans for Ascension Day gatherings

Children spreading wings as Lovina plans for Ascension Day gatherings It’s Wednesday evening and the house is really quiet tonight. My husband Joe, daughter Verena, and I are the only ones here. Daughter Loretta left this afternoon with Dustin and his family to travel to Ohio. Dustin’s cousin is getting married tomorrow. Dustin and Loretta will be … Continue Reading ››

Placid evening after family devotions a fitting finale for the day

Supper is over and we have had evening devotions. All the children have gone their own way now—some to bed and some reading, writing or just relaxing. I love evenings like this, when everyone is close by. Every mother has those moments, I’m sure. Making my day even more complete was having daughters Elizabeth and Susan … Continue Reading ››

Nothing better in late winter than visits from Grandma’s little sweeties

We have entered the month of March, and it is definitely coming in like a lion! It is rainy, cold and windy here in our part of Michigan. We had several nice sunny days with temperatures hitting the upper 50s and lower 60s. It spoiled us and we really wanted it to stay. It sounds … Continue Reading ››

Birthday basket full of goodies makes its rounds to the Eicher house

Daughter Susan had her 22nd birthday on January 24. We had cake and ice cream for Susan after supper. I will never forget how glad I was when my midwife (Joe’s aunt Sylvia) arrived the day Susan was born. It was blowing snow, and the roads were drifting shut. Susan was born at 2:37 pm, and … Continue Reading ››

Daughter, 13, writes her first column for Lovina’s Amish Kitchen

By Lovina Eicher, age 13 Greetings to readers around the world! This will be my first time ever writing this column. I am Lovina’s daughter Lovina, age 13. I am writing the column for a school project for my teacher (Mom). On winter days like this I like … Continue Reading ››

So many Amish weddings lately that it’s hard to keep up

It is a typical October day. Leaves are gradually changing color, evidence that autumn is here and making such beautiful scenery. Also, the sunsets have been absolutely breathtaking lately. Laundry will be on the list to do today. I should be helping sister Emma today with her painting, but I am trying to heal a sore … Continue Reading ››

Distractions from toddler are hard to resist

A cool Wednesday evening—we finally have a break from the heat. Tonight was a nice evening to go to the local u-pick for grapes. Tomorrow we will steam the grapes into juice. We make grape juice concentrate. Sugar and water can be added to suit your … Continue Reading ››

Soaking in sunshine on rare October day, with sympathy for family of 12 children now orphaned

What a beautiful October day! It is sunny and the mercury on the thermometer climbed over the 70 degree mark. Laundry is on the lines, drying really fast. I think autumn days like this are probably few. Daughter Verena, 17, is taking advantage of the sunshine to weed the flower beds outside. Hopefully, this will be … Continue Reading ››

Baby colt delights Eicher children; Lovina offers delicious spring asparagus recipe

Black Beauty was born to Itty Bit May 1, 2015!
May is here already. It seems as though 2015 just began and now we are already in the month of May. The first of May brought some excitement here. Our horse Itty Bit gave birth … Continue Reading ››