Forty-three years ago, on April 16, my oldest sister Leah and Paul united hands in marriage. I was in third grade at the time, and for some reason, I always remember that Good Friday was the next day. I remember sitting beside my mother as Leah and Paul were being married. I couldn’t … Continue Reading ››
Celebrating a Belated Easter Together with Family
It’s a beautiful Monday evening here on the Eicher homestead. We had such a nice sunny day, which made for a good laundry day. The solar eclipse was today. How amazing is God’s creation. The temperature reached 72 degrees. Our rhubarb is coming up very nicely. Before long, we should be able to … Continue Reading ››
Daughter Elizabeth Shares About Her Family
Greetings from our home to yours! This is Elizabeth, Lovina’s oldest daughter. I have decided to take a moment and scribble out some lines.
I have laundry to fold, lunch dishes to wash, and sewing that is beckoning, but I suppose it’s the little things that count, so I’ll pretend … Continue Reading ››
Lovina Shares Stories of Phone Call Adventures
It’s Monday evening, and I wanted to get this column written tonight so I can get an earlier start with my work in the morning.
It was a windy day with the temperature reaching sixty-six degrees. I hung all the laundry outside, and everything is dried, folded, and put away. … Continue Reading ››
Lovina Remembers 20 Years in Michigan
As I write down today’s date, many memories flow through my mind. Twenty years ago we left Geneva, Indiana with all our belongings and headed north to our new home in Michigan. We had six children at that time: Elizabeth, age 9, Susan, 8, Verena, 6, Benjamin, 4, Loretta, 3, and Joseph, 20 … Continue Reading ››
Lovina and Family Prepare to Attend a Funeral
This is Monday evening here at the Eicher homestead. Everyone is getting showered and ready for bed. Supper was easy tonight—son Joseph brought supper home. On the menu was pizza, wings, and subs. What a treat for daughter Lovina and me to not have to get supper.
Joe and I … Continue Reading ››
Beef Preparation Begins
We sure have had mild weather the past few weeks. It brings on some spring fever! Now we have entered into March. It seems so hard to comprehend that the year is already in the third month of 2024.
Last week I spent a day at daughter Susan and Ervin’s. … Continue Reading ››
Lovina Reflects on Over Twenty Years of Writing the Column
Saturday was a very cold and windy day, so the men were unable to put the roof metal on the new pole barn. They kept busy doing other work on the barn such as building the sliding doors, putting on the wainscoting, and more.
This week, they will work on … Continue Reading ››
A Day in the Life of Lovina and Her Family
This is a diary of Monday, February 26, 2024.
3:50 a.m. My alarm goes off. I get up, unlock the door, and wait for Dustin, daughter Loretta, and their two boys to arrive. After getting them settled down for a nap, Dustin leaves for work at the RV factory. Son … Continue Reading ››
Lovina Celebrates Many Birthdays in February
It’s another sunshiny February day with the temperatures above freezing. Yesterday, I hung the laundry out on the wash lines to dry. Once again, I was able to bring it all in and fold it and put it away the same day. I don’t remember ever having this many days in February that … Continue Reading ››