Frigid cold but warm family fellowship over haystacks, barbecued meatballs

School doors closed for the day. We are having frigid temperatures with a bitter cold wind. The wind chill is minus 30 this morning and the temperature minus 8. Brrrr! But we are enjoying winter scenery. The ground is covered with snow. My husband Joe and daughters Elizabeth and Susan are back working at the RV … Continue Reading ››

Ringing in the new year with a party for 24

This is the final day of 2014 as I write. A brand new year awaits us. May God be our guide as we travel into the unknown future. Sister Emma, Jacob and family, and sisters Verena and Susan and all the girls' special friends plan to be here for supper tonight. We will then play games … Continue Reading ››

Fond memories—and peanut butter cups—grace year’s end

We are almost to the end of 2014. A brand new year lies ahead. What will it have in store for us? If we would know, would we be able to go on? Anything is possible if we let God lead the way and keep our full trust in him. As I sit here thinking of … Continue Reading ››

Christmas countdown energizes Eicher children

Christmas Day is only days away. Daughter Lovina, 10, and son, Kevin, 9, are keeping track of exactly how many days. Every morning they mark off another day on the calendar. Oh, to be so young and carefree, with only worries such as how many days there are until Christmas! Lovina and Kevin will both be … Continue Reading ››

Mother-daughter bonding and festive treats for the season

First of all, a happy 17th birthday to daughter Verena today, December 10. How could those 17 years have gone by so fast? I am glad to have Verena here at home during the day. It’s good to have someone to help me with cooking, cleaning, laundry, sewing, and all that goes with keeping a … Continue Reading ››

Did your Thanksgiving turkey have a fever?

Oh my! We are already into the last month of 2014. Where did this year go? Thanksgiving Day has come and gone. Although it’s not the only day that we need to thank God for our blessings, on that day we are especially reminded of all that we are thankful for. My list seems endless—family, friends, … Continue Reading ››

Remembering holidays with parents, plus pumpkin roll recipe

Monday morning and another rainy day here. Such a change from the snow and cold weather we had a week ago. The house is almost too warm now with the coal stove going. We have some windows open and the stove turned down so it’s not too bad. I’m writing this column earlier in the week … Continue Reading ››

Glide into winter with some Eicher vegetable soup

For this week I am going to write a diary of November 18, Tuesday. 3:25 a.m. The alarm rings and it’s time to start another day. I pack my husband Joe’s lunch. He doesn’t eat breakfast until his first break so I pack a ham and cheese sandwich for that. For lunch I put in some … Continue Reading ››

As temperature drops, pumpkin cobbler warms from inside out

Good morning to all! All is quiet here since the bus left with the four youngest children. Benjamin hasn’t been home since yesterday morning. Something broke down at Mose’s sawmill, so Benjamin stayed there last night to work later. Waiting on the part for the mill put them behind. Benjamin always enjoys staying there as … Continue Reading ››