All posts by Lovinas Amish Kitchen

Birthdays, Mother’s Day, and Wednesday with daughters: all good

First of all, daughter Lovina will be 14 tomorrow, May 18. A happy birthday to her! Also, happy 25th birthday today, May 17, to my niece Elizabeth. We are invited to her parents (sister Liz and husband Levi) on Saturday for a surprise birthday party for Elizabeth. With so much gardening and spring work it doesn’t … Continue Reading ››

Children spreading wings as Lovina plans for Ascension Day gatherings

Children spreading wings as Lovina plans for Ascension Day gatherings It’s Wednesday evening and the house is really quiet tonight. My husband Joe, daughter Verena, and I are the only ones here. Daughter Loretta left this afternoon with Dustin and his family to travel to Ohio. Dustin’s cousin is getting married tomorrow. Dustin and Loretta will be … Continue Reading ››

Warming up: Dandelion greens, rhubarb, and dirt under bare toes

Warming up: Dandelion greens, rhubarb, and dirt under bare toes We finally managed to get some garden planted. The ground still felt a little cold under my bare feet. It just doesn’t seem right to walk in that soil with shoes on. I like wearing my crocs … Continue Reading ››

Why the Eichers bought a downsized buggy

Why the Eichers bought a downsized buggy (Plus don't miss end note here about a book signing planned for May 5.) So much for thinking spring! Yesterday we woke up to a snow-covered ground! And the temperature was in the twenties. Just when we were ready to let the fire go out in the coal stove, it … Continue Reading ››

Family spreads out, barn needs fixing

Family spreads out, barn needs fixing The last few days have been warmer and we sure enjoyed the sunshine! Now this morning it rained, but the sun is out again. Son Joseph is harnessing our horse Mighty, so I can take the buggy to a garage sale. The sale is being held by a neighboring Amish family. … Continue Reading ››

Life goes on: preparing for a wedding reception without Amos

Life goes on: preparing for a wedding reception without Amos It’s Thursday, April 5. Today is niece Lisa and Matthew’s wedding reception in Berne, Indiana. Lisa is brother Amos and Nancy’s daughter—the third from youngest out of ten siblings. Matthew and Lisa joined hands together as one on January 20. They were going to wait to have … Continue Reading ››

Prayer and fasting give way to joyous Easter for Eicher family

We are in the last week of March with Friday being Good Friday and Easter is Sunday, April 1. It’s an early Easter this year. My oldest sister Leah and Paul were married 37 years ago on April 16. I remember that Good Friday was April 17 in that year (1981) and was the day after … Continue Reading ››

Attentive doctor reminds his patients to trust God

Spring has arrived—or at least that’s what the calendar says! We did have some nice sunny days, with the mercury on the thermometer reaching almost 60 degrees. We have taken advantage of the weather and dried the laundry outside on the clotheslines. It sure makes it so much fresher than when it’s dried in the … Continue Reading ››

Lovina’s diary offers glimpse of an Amish woman’s ordinary day

Lovina’s diary offers glimpse of an Amish woman’s ordinary day 3:00 a.m. Alarm rings—time to get up and pack husband Joe’s lunch, fill his water jug with ice and water, make a pot of coffee, etc. 3:45 a.m. Joe’s ride is here to go work in the factory. In January it was 13 years ago that he … Continue Reading ››